NameEdmund Pagitt 
Birth1646, Deptford, Kent, England
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
FatherEphraim Padget (1614-)
MotherMary Heath (~1617-)
On 18 August 1668, Wm Sergeant of the County of Rappa. Black Smyth sold to Edmond Pagett one half of 707 acres “Formerly taken up in CopnerShip by us”. Signed William Sergeant. Witnesses: Thomas Gouldman, William Potts. Recorded 5 September 1668. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 6, 10–11.]
On 2 April 1669, Edmond Pagitt was appointed attorney by Phillip Sanders. Signed Phillip his tm mark Sanders. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 146–147.]
On 24 April 1669, Edmond Pagitt for 2,200 pounds of tobacco sold to Thomas Gouldman 200 acres lying on Mr. Gibsons Creek on the Southside thereof, it being parte of a patent of 707 acres. Signed Edmund Pagitt. Witnesses: Theophilus Weale, Tho: Yates. Recorded 5 May 1669. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 172–173.]
On 4 May 1669, Theophilus Weale and Edmund Pagitt witnessed a deed of gift from Thomas Gouldman to Edward West and Mary West, children of Edward West. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 141–142.]
On 5 May 1669, Edmund Pagitt acknowledged a conveyance from himself to Theophilus Veale, 200 acres on the south side of Gillsons Creake, part of a Patent of 707 acres. There are neither date nor witnesses on the conveyance. Signed Edmund Pagitt. “On May the 5th Ao 1669 I Edmund Pagitt acknowledge in the County Cort of Rappa a Conveyance for two hundred acres above expressed unto Theophilus Veale which Conveyance being as is supposed lost by the Clarke of the Cort I have thought fitt to Signe Seale & deliver this to the onely use & purpose as is above expressed”. Signed Edmund Pagitt. Witnesses: Thomas Gouldman, Richard Wale, Tho: Button. Recorded 1 September 1669. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 178–179.]
On 1 September 1669, Edmund Pagitt appointed Lt Coll. Thomas Goodrich attorney to acknowledge the above conveyance to Theophilus Veale. Signed Edmund Pagitt. Witnesses: Tho: Button, Richard Wale. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, page 179.]
On 2 May 1670, Edmund Pagitt was mentioned as a bordering landowner in a deed from Theophilus Weale to Thomas Gouldman. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 300–301.]
On 30 August 1670, Edmond Pagill [sic] for 3,000 pounds of tobacco sold one moyety of land unto John Meguffie. The land bordered that of Theophilus Veale. Edmond had “hereunto Sett my hand and seale together with Elizabeth my wife”. Signed Edmond Pagill [sic]. Witnesses: Tho. Gouldman, John his B m Bowry. Recorded 7 September 1670. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 330–331.]
On 21 January 1670/1671, Edm: Pagitt witnessed a deed from Tho: Goodrich and Ann his wife to Theophilus Wale, certain land lying between the line of Edmund Pagitt and Henry Tandy. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 397–398.]
On 4 October 1672, Edmund Pagett for valuable consideration sold to John Grigory 100 acres, more or less, in Rappahannock County on the South side of Major John Weirs Creek, it being part of a patent formerly granted to Edmund Pagett and William Sarjant bordering the land of Thomas Thomlin and Meguffees. Signed Edmund Pagitt. Witnesses: Thomas Robarts, Francis Brown. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, pages 67–68.]
On 20 October 1672, Edmund Pagitt was mentioned as a bordering landowner in Rappahannock County in a deed from Thomas Gouldman and Alice his wife to William Dyer. Pagitt’s land bordered that of Theophilus Weale. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, pages 100–103.]
On 1 November 1682, Edmund Pagitt was mentioned as a bordering landowner in Rappahannock County in a deed from Thomas Gouldman and Alice his wife to John Megaffe. Pagitt’s land bordered that of Theophilus Weale. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, page 65.]
On 5 November 1672, Thomas Gouldman with the consent of Alice his wife for valuable consideration sold to Edmond Pagett his land that was unsold and included in the bounds of Edmund Pagitts Land, being a Pattent formerly granted to the said Edmund Pagitt and William Serjant and formerly purchased by me the said Gouldman from the said Pagett and Serjeant, the land adjoyning to the Land the said Pagitt Liveth on and bounded wth a Small Run that parts this Land from the Land that Thomas Thomlin upon. Signed Thomas Gouldman, Alice her C mark Gouldman. Witnesses: Thomas Roberts, James Merritt. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, pages 66–67.]
On 26 February 1673/1674, John Grigory for “five and Twenty hundred pounds of Tobacco” assigned right and title of “this” land to Edmund Pagitt, making reference to page 226, but nothing related seems to be there. Signed John his E mark Gregory, Elizabeth her E mark Gregory. Witnesses: Theophils Weale, Mary her O Whitchunk[?]. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, page 295.]
On 21 March 1673/74, Edmund Paget, with the consent of Elizabeth his wife, for 2,750 pounds of tobacco sold to John Bowers 100 acres, more or less. Signed Edmund Pagett. Witnesses: Thomas Gouldman, John Warrents. Elizabeth appoints Thomas Gouldman her attorney to acknowledge her consent, etc. Signed Elizabeth Pagett. Recorded 5 June 1674. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, pages 296–298.]
Edmund Pagett received a bequest in the 30 January 1676 will of Richard Clark. To his “loveing friend” he gave his “light Coloured Suite of Cloaths”. Edmund Pagett witnessed the will. When he proved the will of 2 January 1677/78, he as “aged 30 years or thereabouts”. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Will Book 2, pages 58–60.]
Court of 11 December 1693: William North by Vertue of a power from James Tayler appear’d and acknowledged a deed of a parcell of Land to Capt Edward Thomas and Mr Edmond Pagitt Churchwardens of Southffarnham parish to & for the proper use behoof & benefit of ye parishiners of ye sd parish, to be his the sd Taylers Real Act & deed, ye Same is ordered to be Recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 1, page 147.]
The estate of George Pley was listed as billed 192 pounds of tobacco by Edmund Pagett, recorded 12 July 1698. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, page 214.]
Edmond Paggitt received property in the will of Elizabeth Brown, including tobacco, a pott, a dripping pan, a Spitt, and ffour pewter dishes. He, along with Robert Mills, was named executor of her estate. The will was dated 2 February 1698 and proved 10 March 1701. Edmund Paget, Robt Mills, and Tho: Monday posted the administrative bond. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, pages 101a–102.]
In April 1701, Edmund Pagett served on a jury in a land dispute. His signature from 28 April is extant, signed Edmund Pagett. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728.]
On 1 August 1702, Edmund Pagett witnessed the will of Thomas Munday of Sittenbourne Parish in Essex County. He appeared in court on 10 August 1703 to prove the will. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 55–59.]
The will of Edmund Pagitt was dated 18 July 1722: In the name of god Amen I Edmond Paget being in sound & perfect health & memory thanks be to God for the same ffirst I commend my Soul into the hands of the Almighty God who gave it me hopeing through the merrits of Jesus Christ to receive the same at the last day of enjoy eternall bless & recommend my body to be buryed in desent & Christian manner according to ye discretion of my Executors hearafter named. Iem [sic] I give and bequeath unto my Son John Pagett one hundred acres of Land being more or less scituate lying & being in the County of Essex Begining at a white oak standing by or near a branch that doth proceed out of my Spring branch, and runing through a plantation that did belong to my Son Edmond & so runing to a red oak standing near the line that parts my Land and Thomas Gutterges & so along the said Line Westerly to a swamp called the Tobacco house Swamp and so down the sd Swamp to the white oak it first began all which said Land I Give unto my Son John Pagett and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body for Ever. Item I Give & bequeath unto my Son Abraham Pagett one hundred acres of Land being more or less Scituate lying & being in the County of Essex begining at a white [illegible] standing upon ye Tobacco house Swamp on a spring branch which parts my Son John Paget & my Son Abraham and so runing along a line a markt trees which I have already made between them to Guterges line thence down the sd line to the Swamp that is known by the name of Quarter Swamp thence down the sd Swamp to the Tobacco house Swamp thence up the said to [sic] the first menconed Station all which Land I give unto my Son Abraham & his heirs for ever lawfully begotten of his body. Item I Give & bequeath unto my Son Henry Paget the plantation where I now live on & all the Land thereunto belonging unto him & his heirs lawfully begotten of his body for ever after my decease. Item I give & bequeath unto my Son Ephraim Pagett my Son ffrancis Pagett, my Son Abraham Pagett, my Son John Pagett my Daughter Mary one shilling to each of them to be paid after my decease and all the rest of my Estate I Give & bequeath unto my Loving wife Elizabeth Paget during of her natural Life & after to return to my Son Henry Paget & my Daughter Elizabeth Paget their heires for ever and I do Constitute & appoint my well beloved wife Elizabeth Paget & my Son Henry Paget my hole & Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills and Testaments heretofore by me made As Wittness my hand & Seal this 18th day of July 1722. Signed Edmond mark E P his Pagett (seal). Witnesses: John Munday, Susanna her + mark Guffey. At a Court held of Essex County on Tuesday the 20th day of November 1722. This Will as prsented in Court by Elizabeth Paget & Henry Paget Exrs within named who made oath thereto & being further proved by the oaths of John Munday & Susanna Guffey witnesses thereto is admitted to record. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 2–3.]
On 15 January 1722/23, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Edmund Paget was returned to court by Wm Winston, Tho: Sthreshly Junr and Charles Waller, also signed by Elisabeth her E mark Paget and Henry his HP mark Paget. No total valuation. Ordered recorded 15 January 1722. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 8–10.]
Deathaft 1723
Birthbef 1655