Deathabt 1702
The will of Elizabeth Browne as dated 2 February 1698. “In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Browne being sick & weake of body but of sound & perfect memory blessed and praised be Almighty God for the same doe make & Ordaine this to be my last Will & Testamt in manner & fforme ffollowing ffirst & principally I comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God who gave it hopeing through [illegible] death & passion of ye Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to Receive full pardon & fforgiveness of all my sinns & a Joyfull Resurreccon at the last day as for my body I comitt itt to the Ground to be Decently & Christianly buryed att the discretion of my Esexrs. hereafter named And as for the Worldly Goods That God of his Mercy hath lent me I Will & bequeath them in manner & forme ffolowing (vizt) Imprimis I Give unto Robert Mills the halfe part of the Goods that now is att his house a Cow a Calfe and a horse & whatt Tobacco is due to me Except what is herein bequeatted a pott a Kettle, ffower Pewter Dishes Item I Give unto Edmond Paggitt Senior the other halfe pte of the goods that is now att Robert Mills:s and a Steere att my Sonn ffrancis Brownes & one Hoggshead of Tobacco att Benjamin Mathews[’]s a pott a dripping pan a Spitt & ffour pewter dishes Item I Give unto John Mills that hhd of Tobo due to me from him Item I Give to my Daughter Sarah Twelve pence Item I Give to my Sonne ffrancis Browne Twelve pence Item I Give to my Son Daniell Browne Twelve Pence And of this my Last Will & Testamt I make Robert Mills and Edmond Paggett Joynt Exers & doe hereby utterly desallow Revoake and Annull all & every fformer Testamnts In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Second day of ffebruary 1698” Signed Elizabeth her x marke Browne. Witnesses: Tho Hucklescott, Mary her a marke hucklescott, ffrances her mark Mills. Proved 10 March 1701 by oathes of Mary Muscoe (formerly Mary Hucklescot) and Frances Byrom (formerly Frances Mills). [Essex County, Virginia, Deeds & Wills 10, page 101a.]
On 10 March 1701, Edmund Paget, Robt. Mills and Tho: Munday were bound 10,000 pounds good tobacco, as Edmond Paget and Robt. Mills were given administation of the estate of Elizabeth Browne. Signed Edmund Paget, Robt. his 8 mark Mills, Tho: his th mark Monday. Witnesses: Hen: Adcocke, Geo: Lloyde. Recorded 10 March 1701. [Essex County, Virginia, Deeds & Wills 10, 1699–1702, page 102.]
Birthbef 1644
Deathabt 1692