NameFrancis Brown 
Birthbef 1644
Deathabt 1692
“Know all men by these presentes that I Francis Browne do constitute & appoint my Loving friend George Davis my true & Lawfull Attorney for me & in my Stead & behalf to appear in the County Court of rappa to anwer unto all pleas Suits & demands which Shall be objected agt the said ffrancis Brown by & the behalf of any person or persons suing & impleading me the sd ffrancis Browne in the County Court aforsaid as also to answer & presente all such bussiness as shall belong to me the sd ffrancis Browne in the sd Court hereby rattifying & confirming whatsoever my said Attorney shall Lawfully act & do in the premisses with as much power & Authority as if I my self did act & do the same in my own person Witness my hand & seal this tenth day of ffebruary 1664” Signed ffrancis Brown. Witnesses Thomas Daniel, Tho his M mark Jenkins. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Wills, Deeds, Etc. No. 1 1665–1667, pages 4–5.]
On 26 July 1674, Francis Brown gifted a calf to Henry Wood, son of Thomas Wood. “Know that I Francis Browne of the Parish of Farnham Planter of the Countie of Rappa doe give unto Henry Wood ye sone of Thomas Wood planter of the same Parish of County one Reed Cow Calfe with both Ear Cropt one Slit in the left Eare and an Over keele and an underkeele in the Right Ear with the Increase of the Same Cow Calfe both male and female to the said Henry Wood and his heirs forever as Witness my hand this 26th July 1674”. Signed Francis Brown. Witness: Thomas Goodrich. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Deed Book No. 5, 1672–1678, page 351.]