NameFrancis Brown 
Francis Brown was mentioned in the 2 February 1698 will of his mother, Elizabeth Browne. “Item I Give unto Edmond Paggitt Senior the other halfe pte of the goods that is now att Robert Mills:s and a Steere att my Sonn ffrancis Brownes & one Hoggshead of Tobacco att Benjamin Mathews[’]s a pott a dripping pan a Spitt & ffour pewter dishes … Item I Give to my Sonne ffrancis Browne Twelve pence…” [Essex County, Virginia, Deeds & Wills 10, page 101a.]
Will of ffrancis Brown of South Farnham Parish, dated 2 May 1708. To wife Elizabeth he gives all his land during her life. After her death the land is to go to his son Daniel Brown. After the death of Daniel, should he have no heirs, the land goes to his daughter Ann Brown, and after that to her sister Elizabeth. Daniel’s wife is also named Elizabeth. Signed ffrancis Browne. Witnesses: Robert Coleman, Thomas his TB mark brown. Proved 11 April 1709. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, page 213.]