NameMartha Reeves 
Birthaft 1670
Martha Reeves was mentioned in the 9 January 1686 will of her father Henry Reeves. She was to receive two cows when she attained the age of sixteen years, and a share of the personal estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trials 1715-1741, pages 124–127.]
Martha Reeves was mentioned in the 1709 will of her mother Elizabeth. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 17.]
On 18 March 1711 a case was brought to Essex County court. “Edward Coleman & Ann his wife Robert Moss & Martha his wife [tear] refer a petition agt Henry Reeves Joseph Reeves and Thomas Munday admrs of the Estate of James Reeves dated and set forth that the sd Admrs refuse to make up an acct of the sd [tear] his Estate and pay the sd Ann & Martha sisters to the sd deced their parts. therefore ordered…” a summons. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 4, page 427.]