NameJohn Moss 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
In the name of God Amen I John Mess being very Sick & weake in Body but I think God in perfect Sence & memory do make this my last Will & Testament in manner & fforme as ffolleth, first I give to Soul to Almighty God that gave it to me hopeing through the merrits & mediacon of my Lord & Savr: Jesus Christ to receive eternall hapiness after this paynfull life is ended and my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buryed at the hands of my Exrs hereafter followeth
It: I give and bequeave unto my Daffter Anne Mess one pourcell of Land that lyeth on the West Side of a brance called the poplar banc as is already layd out from the head of the said brance to the back line & So adjoyning upon the division line of Jno Harper to her & her heires for ever
It: I give & bequeave unto my Daffter Mary Mess that land and plantasion where Henry Kurbey Curbey [sic] now liveth with all ye lands of the South Side of a brance called the merey brance to take in har posession ameadetley after my death & so to remaine untill please God my wife Mary Mess Shall dye and after the death of my Said Wife I give the abovesd Land & plantacon to my Daffter Eliza: Mess and her hares forever and the plantacon and Land belong to it wth is not already bequeaved where I now liveth I then give unto my Daffter Mary Mess and har hares for ever
It: I give my Daffter Anne Mess one yong Mare Colte that now runeth by the my [sic] Mare Side to hare & hare hares for ever
It: I give all the Increase of my Mare to be equalley to be deivided between my to Daffters Mary Mess & Eliza: Mess as long as my said More Shall live to them and thare hares for ever.
It: my Will & desier is that my old Mare & my Spaied Mare shall run upon my now dewell plantacon for the yuse & Service of the sd plantacon.
It: I give and bequeave to Mary Boughan Daffter to Jno Boughan one yowe & a Lame to take in to har hands & posesion presently after my death.
It I give and bequeave unto Dianey Richardson Daffter to Robt: Richardson one Yowe & Lame to take into har posision presently after my death.
It: I give & bequeave to my Brother Jno Boughan all my waring Cloves to take into his posision presently after my death.
It. I give and bequeave to the Son in Law Wm: Cox one pare of gloves & one pare of Spures to take into his hands & posision presently after my death.
It. I give and bequeave unto John Tayler fore yards of Kersey that I have now in the Chist with: Butons & thread to make it up to take into his hands & posision presently after my death and all the rest of my Estate that please God have bestowed upon me my Will & desier is that it should be eaqually dividee between my wife Mary Mess & my three Childarn as is above menconed makeing my Daffter Anne Mess & my wife Mary Mess my Sole & holle Exetricks of this my last Will & Testamt: as witness my hand & Seal 22 day of Desember 1697
John his M marke Mess
Witnesses: Henry Kearby, William his U marke Sames, James Boughan.
On 10 March 1697[/98], proved by the witnesses and truey recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 8, pages 163-165.]