NameRichard Tayler 
On 17 April 1682, Richard Haile gave a mare unto his son-in-law Richard Tayler: “Know all men by these presents That I Richard Haile of the County of Rappa and pish of ffarnham doe hereby ffreely give unto Richard Tayler my Sonn in law a yearling Mare Colt of a dark bay Coulorn branded with two docking Irons mealy mouthed. And a stare in the forehead To have use and Enjoy the said Mare Colt unto the Said Richard Tayler and to his heires & assignes for ever As Witness my hand this 17[?]th day of Aprill 1682”. Signed Richard his 2 mark Haile. Witnesses: Phil: Pendleton, R R, William Bendery. Reocrded xx4: dic Aprilis Anno 1682. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, page 163.]