NameCharles Schmidt 
Birth28 Feb 1874, Maryland
ResidenceBaltimore, Maryland
OccupationPiano tuner
Soc. Sec. #220-24-1486
1880 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
3rd Ward, S.D. 1, E.D. 28, stamped page 475, enumerated 1 June 1880 Dwelling No. 25, Family No. 35
114 South Caroline Street
Schmidt, Charles, white, male, age 35, married, musician, born in Maryland, parents both born in Germany
Schmidt, Mary, white, female, 34, wife, keeping house, born in Maryland, both parents both in Germany
Schmidt, Charles, white, male, 6, son, single, both in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland
Schmidt, Julia, white, female, 9/12, born in September, daughter, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland
1900 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
10th Ward, Enumeration District 124, Sheet 8
909 East Chase Street
Dwelling 131, Household 137
Schmidt, Charles, head, white, male, born May 1845, age 55, married 28 years, born in Germany, both parents born in Germany, immigrated in 1854, 46 years in the U.S., naturalized, occupation musician, 0 months unemployed, can read and write and speak English, owns free
Schmidt, Mary, wife, white, female, born June 1846, age 54, married 28 years, mother of 4 children, 2 of whom are living, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany, can read and write and speak English
Schmidt, Charles Jr, son, white, male, born February 1874, age 26, married (sic), born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany (sic), occupation musician, 0 months unemployed, can read and write and speak English
Schmidt, Julia, daughter, white, female, born September 1877, age 22, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany (sic), can read and write and speak English
On 12 September 1918, Charles Schmidt registered for the World War I draft, giving his full name as Charles Schmidt; residing at 1619 E. Lanvale St, Baltimore, Md; age 44; born 28 February 1874; white; native born; musician working for Chas E Farson at Victora[?] Theater, Balto, Md; nearest relative Matilda C. Schmidt of 1619 E. Lanvale St, Balto, Md; medium height; medium build; brown eyes; gray hair; no disabilities. [World I War Draft Registration Card, roll 1665875.]
1920 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
Supervisor’s District 2, Enumeration District 116, Sheet 2B
1619 Lanvale Street
Dwelling 38, Family 40
Schmidt, Charles, head, owns free of mortgage, male, white, 45, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, father born in Germany and spoke German, mother born in Maryland, speaks English, musician in orchestra, wage worker
Schmidt, Matilda, wife, female, white, 47, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany and spoke German, speaks English, no occupation
Schmidt, Ferdinand, son, male, white, 17, single, in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
1930 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
Ward 8, Block 151
Enumeration District 4-110, page 16
Enumerated 6 April 1930
1619 Lanvale Street
Dwelling 1, Household 1
Schmidt, Charles, head, owner, value of real estate $4,737, owns radio, white, male, age 56, age at first marriage 26, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, father born in Germany, mother born in Maryland, speaks English, teacher of music, at work previous day, not a veteran
Schmidt, Matilda C., wife, female, white, age 57, age at first marriage 28, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany, speaks English, no occupation
Schmidt, Ferdinand H., son, male, white, age 27, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
1940 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
Sheet 88
1619 Lanvale Street
Home owned, value 1800, not a farm
Schmidt, Charles, head, male, white, 68, married, attended school to grade 8, born in Maryland, residence in 1935 same house, residence in 1935 not on a farm, private work, hours worked 40, manager of grocery store, 52 weeks worked in 1939, income 1000, no other income
Schmidt, Matilda C., wife, female, white, 66, married, attended school to grade 8, born in Maryland, residence in 1935 same house, residence in 1935 not on a farm, housework, no other income
Schimdt, Frederick, son, male, white, 37, single, attended school to first grade of high school, born in Maryland, residence in 1935 same house, residence in 1935 not on a farm, not at work or seeking work, unable to work, no other income