NamePhilip Parr 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 18 December 1656, “Whereas it appeares to this Court that Mr. Williamson deceased haveing a Note in his hand for 11 lbs. 8s. 8d due to Edward King from Philip Parr, the said Debt appeareing to be satisfied & pd., it is ordered that the said Note bee delivered upp.” [Lancaster County, Virginia, Deed and Wills 1652–1657, abstracts, The Antient Press, McLean, Virginia, 1991, page 134.]
Will of Phillip Parr of South Farnham Parish was dated 13 December 1699. To “my Loving Kinsman Richard Carter” 150 acres of Gleeb Swamp. To eldest daughter Judith Parr all his land in Middlesex form[erly?—cut off] “Given to her by her Grandfather Mr Thomas Allaman”. To loving daughter Mary Parr, manor plantation of 150 acres. [This item was struck out: To wife Judith Parr…] To daughter Constant Parr plantation called Toby Lobirilly[?] of 150 acres. To wife Judith Parr all rest of lands. To daughters Mary and Constant 25 pounds each. Daughters Mary and Constant are not yet 21. Father-in-law Thomas Allaman and brother-in-law Richard Covington appointed executors. Signed Phill Parr. Witnesses: John Smith, Chares [sic] his E mark Jones, and one illegible name. Signed 13 December 1699. Recorded in Gloucester County Court, 16 June 1701 and subsequently in Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, page 88.]
On 11 August 1707, James Edmondson provided additional details of the estate of Phillip Parr: I Give acct of estate of Mr Phill Parr Deceast More tobo rec’d since Last acct I gave the court “& one Stuff vest yt my wife Gave to the man yt tended her husband in his Sickness” Signed James Edmondson. Presented by James Edmondson and Judith his wife, 11 August 1707. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 1695–1710.]