NameRichard Gatewood 
An inventory of the estate of Thomas Edmondson was ordered on 18 December 1750 and was made on 19 January 1750/1 by Wm Covington, a Richd Gatewood and Jno Evans. No total valuation. Presented by Thos Edmondson and Const Edmondson. Recorded 22 May 1751. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 67–69.]
On 4 December 1755, a Richard Gatewood cast a vote for Colonel Francis Smith for burgess of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 248–252.]
Richard was mentioned in the 27 June 1798 will of his mother, Mary Gatewood, proved 21 January 1799. “…my will and desire is that all the rest of my estate shall be sold and equally divided amongst my Children to wit Andrew, Gatewood, Augustin, Richard, William, Sarah, Tabatha, Mary and Jane…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 436.]
Agreeable to an order of Essex Court dated the 21st day of January 1799 we the undersigned having met at the late dwelling House of Mary Gatewood decd. & proceeded to divide the negroes of Isaac Gatewood Decd. according to the last will and testament of the said decedent agreeable to the within statement given under our hands the 26th day of January 1799
Equal lots to Andrew Gatewood, Thomas Dunn, Augusten Gatewood, William Gatewood, John Kay, Richard Gatewood, Benj: Fisher, Charles Hutchason.
W Latane
James Upshaw jr.
Reuben Garnett
Sthreshly Rennolds
Returned on 18 February 1799 and ordered recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 439–440.]
Richard Gatewood was named in the 1809 will of his brother William F. Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 135–137.]
Birthabt 1760
Deathbef 16 Jan 1789
FatherWilliam Webb (1741-)
MotherMary Powell