NameWilliamson Gatewood 
Birthabt 1766/1784, Essex County, Virginia
Williamson Gatewood was mentioned in the 3 May 1782 will of his father, William Gatewood, proved on 18 May 1783. “Item I desire that my whole Estate be kept together untill my Son Williamson Gatewood Shall come to the age of eighteen years under the care of my Sister Amy Gatewood who is to live at any of my places that She Shall think Proper — Item I give & bequeath to my Son Williamson Gatewood the tract of land lying on the Creek which Came by my father [seems to be struck through] Mother & my negroe man Sam & my Gun: Violen & German flute & my wearing apparel to him & his heirs forever … my will & Desire is that all the profitts arising from the Estate if there Should be any before the Division Shall be equally Divided among all my Children. & my Son Williamson Shall have all my Boks [sic].” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 373–374.]
On 18 August 1795, the slaves of the estate of Samuel Allen were divided among legatees. Williamson wasn’t mentioned, possibly having removed from the state. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 159–160.]
Williamson Gatewood was not mentioned in a 21 April 1801 covenant for the distribution of the estate of his grandparents, Samuel and Martha Allen, or in the subsequent distribution by the court. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 73–75.]
Birth18 Nov 1776, Warren County, Kentucky
BurialWestwood Cemetery, Illinois
FatherEphraim Hubbard
Marriage21 Jun 1800, Warren County, Kentucky