NameWilliam Gatewood 
Birthbef 1735
Deathabt May 1783
In the name of God amen I William Gatewood of Essex County & the Parish of Southfarnham being weak of body but of perfect memory praised by God Do think it proper to make this my last will & Testament in manner and form following. As for that part of worldy goods belonging to me I Dispose of as followeth — Item I desire that my whole Estate be kept together untill my Son Williamson Gatewood Shall come to the age of eighteen years under the care of my Sister Amy Gatewood who is to live at any of my places that She Shall think Proper — Item I give & bequeath to my Son Williamson Gatewood the tract of land lying on the Creek which Came by my father [seems to be struck through] Mother & my negroe man Sam & my Gun: Violen & German flute & my wearing apparel to him & his heirs forever: — Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Clara Gatewood the tract of land where I now Live which I purchased of Thomas Reaves to her & her heirs forever — Item I give & bequeath to my Daughters Hannah an Patty Gatewood the tract of land I purchased of Waters Dunn to be equally Divided between them to them & there heirs forever — Item I give I bequeath to my brother James Gatewood my part of the land whereon he now lives. Item I give & bequeath to my three Daughters Hannah Clara & Patty all the Remainder of my estate Consisting of negroes Stock House Hold furniture &c. to be equally Divided to them & there heirs forever. — Lastly I nominate & Appoint my Sister Amy Gatewood & Richard Allen And my Brother Isaac Gatewood Managers of this my last wil and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this third Day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Two.
William Gatewood
Witnesses: Ann Allen, Ester [X] Davis, Thos. [X] Davis
N. B my will & Desire is that all the profitts arising from the Estate if there Should be any before the Division Shall be equally Divided among all my Children. & my Son Williamson Shall have all my Boks [sic].
On 18 May 1783, proved by Richard Allen and Isaac Gatewood executors therein mentioned and ordered recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 373–374.]