NameClara Gatewood 
Birthabt 1771, Essex County, Virginia
Deathbef 1850
In the 2 August 1778 will of Clara Gatewood’s grandfather, Samuel Allen, a reference was made to his daughter Clara Gatewood’s three daughters. None were named. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 218–220.]
Clara was mentioned in the 3 May 1782 will of her father, William Gatewood, proved on 18 May 1783. “Item I give & bequeath to my Daughter Clara Gatewood the tract of land where I now Live which I purchased of Thomas Reaves to her & her heirs forever … Item I give & bequeath to my three Daughters Hannah Clara & Patty all the Remainder of my estate Consisting of negroes Stock House Hold furniture &c. to be equally Divided to them & there heirs forever.” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 373–374.]
On 28 August 1795, a division of the estate of Samuel Allen was agreed to by the legatees. “Whereas Samuel Allen by his last will & Testament after some few Legacies to particular Children & Grandchidren gave & devised to his Wife Martha During her widowhood or natural life all the rest residue of his estate both real & personal & after her decease to be awarded among his Following Children, William Allen’s heirs, Ann, Samuel, Richard, Clarys heirs, Rachel James, Catherine & the said Martha being willing to deliver up all the said Estate Except the land two negroes Viz Linus [?] & Fanny, also one bed one cow & calf 2 Ews 2 chests one years provision dutch oven flower tub Earthen ware The rest I give up to be devided among the Legatees Immediately to the sd children & they having agreed among themselves to have an equal division do consent the same to be made among the parties by Ambrose Greenhill, James Wright Thos. Allen & John Haile or any three of them”.
Samuel [X] Allen
Samuel [X] Allen Signed for Wm. Allen
Thomas [X] Allen
Josiah Martin
William [X] Taylor
Benoni [X] Broach
William Cook
Charles [X] Broach
Ann Allen
Richard Allen
Samuel Mullins
John Edmondson
Isaac Gatewood
Billington Dunn
James Allen
Thomas Broocke
Witness: Ambrose Greenhill
“We the commissioners being appointed by the Legatees of Samuel Allen deceased have appraised and divided the following negroes Given up by Marth [sic] Allen widow of the said Samuel Allen.” Lots go to Ann Allen, Richard Allen, Billenton Dunn, heirs of Clary Gatewood, James Allen, Thomas Brook.” By Ambrose Greenhill, Wm. Haile, Thos. Allen. Ordered recorded 21 September 1795. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 159–160.]
Marriageabt 27 Dec 1792, Essex County, Virginia