NameAnn Rowzee 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
The will of Ann Garnett of St. Ann’s Parish was dated 18 July 1787. I give to my niece Hannah Boughan my chest of draws & dressing glass, also my bed and bed Stead with its furniture (which I sleep on) & three Cows and Calves, to her & her heires forever, Item I desire that all my wearing apparel shall be equally divided between my three neice [sic], Susannah Sarah & Anne Boughan…Item it is my desire that my daughter Sarah Hunter shall give two Cows & Calves to Frances Elizabeth Boughan provided she shall live to the age of ten years old or the value of 2 cows and 2 calves in money out of my estate…my Brother Wm. Rouzee whole and Sole Exr. Daughter Sarah Hunter who married William Hunter, daughter Milly Jackson. Grandson William G. Hunter, grandson James Hunter, granddaughters Ann Jackson, Milly Jackson, grandsons Taliaferro Hunter, Muscoe Garnett Hunter, neices Maria and Grance Fenton Garnett. Signed Ann Garnett. Witnesses: William Salvator Jones, George Ingram. Proved 15 September 1788. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, page 135.]