NameAnn Johnston 
Deathbef Nov 1814
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 11 October 1787, Vincent Coleman and Ann his wife of the County of Essex and “Colony of Virginia” sold to Thomas Dix, planter. For £6.19 current money, 6 acres plus 19/20 acre in the Parish of Southfarnham, land Vincent now lives on which is part of land formerly belonging to James Fullerton decd and by the last will and testament of the said James Fullerton dated 21 March 1677 was given to his daughter Elizabeth who married Richard Johnston & is known by a platt Surveyed by Robert Brooke at the request of the Revd Lewis Latané, James Gatewood, Richd Johnston, Wm Norrell & Mary Fullerton. Signed Vincent Coleman, Ann her + mark Coleman. Witnesses: William Latane, Thomas Dix Junior, Lewis Dix. Recorded 15 October 1787. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, pages 89–90.]
Information on Ann Johnston from letter from Myrle Cook Theimer to Thomas Moore, 11 November 1993.
Birth1740, Essex County, Virginia
Death21 Nov 1814, Essex County, Virginia