NameRichard Mann 
Deathabt Nov 1823
“This gifft. made to Richard Mann by his father Philip Mann sr when he married his wife Marget Mann is to be consider’d as much of the Estate of the sd Philip Mann given to the sad. Richard Mann and it’s the wish of the sd. Philip Mann that all his surviving children should have the same amount as Richard had, when they get married (if ever they do) otherwise at the death of the sad. Philip Mann Sr. the amount given Richard, one negro woman named Mary valued at $400, a negro boy name Edmond $300, a bed $33 a cow a calf $12, a sow $5, the hole amount $750, and let it be understod that after all the children that’s living of the sd. Philip Mann has that amount the Ballance (if any) to be divided between Richard Mann and his brothers & sisters that’s living, that is to say after the death of the sd. P.M. Jay 26th 1818—
“At an Intervening Court begun and held for Essex County at the Courthouse in Tappahannock on Monday the 15th day of December 1820 — This writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Philip Mann decd was brought into Court, and offered for proof…” Ordered recorded as the last will and testament of Philip Mann, and administration of the said Philip Mann’s Estate heretofore granted to Ann Mann is revoked. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 422–423.]
On 17 November 1823, Peggy Mann, Peter B. Davis and Robert Sowell were bound in the penalty of $4,000 for Peggy Mann’s administration of the estate of Richard Mann, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 418.]
The estate of Richard Mann, deceased, in account with Peggy Mann, administratrix, from 1824 to 1825 was settled by commissioner Lawrence Muse on 18 December 1824, and was ordered recorded 18 July 1825. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 186.]
The estate of Richard Mann, deceased, in account with Austin Brockenbrough, sheriff and committee administrator, from 1825 to 1826 was ordered recorded on 17 October 1826. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 34–37.]
The estate of Philip Mann Senior in account with Ann Mann, administratrix, from 1827 to 1831 includes a settlement of the estate, with 1/3 to the widow in right of dower, and the remainder of the estate divided into seven equal parts to Philip Mann, Washington Mann, Martha G. Mitchell, Nancy Mann, Alfred Mann, Elizabeth Mann, and Richd. Mann’s heirs. Successive page provide various other Mann family account details: the estate of Philip Mann Jr decd. in account with Ann Mann administratrix; Miss Nancy Mann in account with Ann Mann, administratrix (mentioning in 1830 Miss N Mann being of age); the estate of Washington Mann decd. in account with Ann Mann, administratrix; Mr Alfred Mann in account with Ann Mann, administratrix; Miss Elizabeth Mann in account with Ann Mann, administratrix; [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 186–196.]
In the the late 1830s, William G. Mann complained to the Chancery Court in Essex County: Your orator William G. Mann. That his grandfather William Sowell died in ____ intestate leaving a widow Sarah Sowell and two children viz Robert Sowell and Margaret who married Richard Mann. Richard Mann died about 1822 and Margaret died about 1823, leaving your orator and two infant sisters Julia and Margaret Mann. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 39, item 39-L-11.]
The esate of Richard Mann, deceased, in account with A. Brockenbrough, Sheriff of Essex County and Committee administrator, from 1826 to 1838 was ordered recorded on 18 June 1838. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 298–301.]
Marriageabt 24 Nov 1815, Essex County, Virginia