NameGeorge Moody 
Deathabt Jun 1783
FatherJohn Moody (-1735)
MotherMary Copnall
The will of George Moody of Essex County was dated 13 October 1765. Sick and weak. Lend to beloved wife Sarah during her natural life or widowhood all my estate both real & Personal & if She marries again then I Desire She may have & Possess no other part thereof than what the Law will entitle her to. I lend to my Jeremiah [sic] during his natural Life the tract of land he now lives upon bounded by the Spring branch down to the main Branch of Hoskins’s run & up the run wch divides this & the land of Upshaw, & along the line of this & Sherwoods land till it comes to a new mark’d Hickory Tree a Corner between this & the land hereby Given to my son Thos & from the sd Hickory a Straight line by a crooked Persimon tree marked in the Cornfield to a Small black walnut tree another Corner & from thence along a Crooked line to a Small red oak a few yards below my Spring & after his Decease, & the Decease of his wife Elizabeth (to whom I lend the same if She Should Survive my Sd Son Jerimiah During her widowhood) I give the sd tract of Land wth the Appurtenances unto my Grand Son Lewis the Son of my Sd Son & Daughter Jerimiah & Elizabeth to him & the Heirs of His body & for want of such to my son Jeremiah. To my Thomas that part of my lands thats adjoining to the Land of Jonathan Sherwood, Gatewood, Allen & the land that was Hunts as far as the new made line by the road to the Small Corner Walnut tree mentioned above to him my sd Son Thomas & his heirs & for want of such to my son William. To son William and his heirs all the rest of my Land & for want of heirs to son Thomas. I lend to son John & his wife Francis during their Life the Several Goods & Chattels that belongs to me wch is now in their possession & after their decease to the Children of the Sd John & Frances. To Eldest Son Jeremiah and his heirs one shilling as his full share of the rest of the Estate & all the rest to sons Thomas and William. Thomas and William to be executors. Signed George his G mark Moody. Witnesses: WRoane, James Booker. Proved 16 June 1783 by William Roane. Proved on 21 July 1783 by James Booker. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, page 379.]
On 19 May 1801, Lewis Moody answered a bill of Wm Snodgrass, stating that he is the grandson of George Moody and son of Jeremiah Moody deceased. That George Moody died intestate sometime in 1782 or 1783. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 17, item 17-K-1.]