NameWilliam Dunn (White) 
“In the Name of God Amen I William Dunn, W, of Essex County & Parish Southfarnham Altho weak in body, Yet of sound sense & memory do make & ordain this my Last Will & testamt. Item. I bequeath my soul to almighty God my heavenly father in hopes of pardon & foregiveness of all my sins & wickedness in & through the merits of my blessed Lord & Savior Jesus Christ And as to my wordly Estate, I dispose of it in manner & form following Item; I Give & bequeath my Land to be equally divided, between my two sons Presly, & Julius Dunn, to them & their heirs for ever, Also I give them to be equally divided my Still &c &c to them & their heirs for ever Item, I bequeath unto Edm. Dunn, first choice of all my negroes, to him and his heirs for ever Item I bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Dunn Second Choice of my negroes, & first Choice of Beds & furniture also I give her my Desk, to her and her heirs for ever Item I give and bequeath unto son Presley Dunn third Choice of negroes & Second Choice of Beds & furniture to him & his heirs for ever Item, I Give & bequeath unto my son Julias Dunn fourth Choice of my negroes, & third choice of Beds and furniture to him and his heirs for ever Item I Give & bequeath unto my son Thomas Dunn, one Shilling Sterling to him & his heirs for ever Item I Give all the remainder to be equally divided, between my Children by name as follows Edmund, Ann Presly & Julias Dunn, to them & their heirs for ever — And Lastly I appoint my friend William Edmondson Exr. [?] to execute this my last will & testamt. as witness my hand & seal, & dated this the 7th day of November One thousand Seven hundred & Eighty five”
William [X] Dunn
Witnesses: Thomas Edmondson, Charles Evans, Nathl. [X] Dunn, Dolly [X] Brown
On 19 December 1785 offered to proof by William Edmondson and proved by Thomas Edmondson, Charles Evans, and Nathaniel Dunn.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 530–531.]