NameJulius Dunn 
Birthabt 1773
Julius was mentioned in the 7 November 1785 will of his father, William Dunn, proved on 19 December 1785. “Item; I Give & bequeath my Land to be equally divided, between my two sons Presly, & Julius Dunn, to them & their heirs for ever, Also I give them to be equally divided my Still &c &c to them & their heirs for ever … Item, I Give & bequeath unto my son Julias Dunn fourth Choice of my negroes, & third choice of Beds and furniture to him and his heirs for ever … Item I Give all the remainder to be equally divided, between my Children by name as follows Edmund, Ann Presly & Julias Dunn, to them & their heirs for ever”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 530–531.]