NameHenry “Harry” Wood Boughan Jr. 
Birth13 Sep 1898, Virginia
Death20 Feb 1985, Mary Washington Hospital, Fredericksburg, Virginia
On 13 September 1898, Henry Wood Boughan, Jr., was born in West Point, King William County, Virginia. He was male, parents were married to one another. Father was Henry Wood Boughan Sr., race “anglo-saxon”, 32, born in Virginia. Mother was Estelle Bray Boughan, “anglo-sax”, 26, born in Virginia. Certified by H. W. Boughan of West Point, Virginia, 77, father. Applicant signed H. W. Boughan, West Point, Virginia. “Because of lack of written evidence, we cannot certify to the date of birth.” [Virginia Department of Health, Delayed Certificate of Birth, 5879, 6 February 1943.]
On 12 September 1918[?], Henry Wood Boughan completed a draft registration card, giving his home address as West Point Va., age 19, born 13 September 1899, white, native born citizen, employed by Texas Oil Co. of West Point Va., nearest relative Mrs. H. W. Boughan of West Point Va., medium height, medium build, blue eyes, light hair, no disabilities, signed Henry Wood Boughan. [World War I Draft Registration Card, Roll 1984806.]
On 20 February 1985, Henry Wood Boughan, Jr., died at Mary Washington Hospital, 2300 Fall Hill Avenue, Fredericksburg, Virginia. He was male; white; 86; born 13 September 1898; was in the armed forces; usual residence at Box 226, 5th Street, West Point, King William County, Virginia 23181; father was Henry Wood Boughan; mother was Estelle Bray; citizen of USA; born in Virginia; married; wife was Mirian [sic] G. Boughan; occupation manager in retail auto and hardware; informant family of deceased; cause of death pneumonia — reperatory failure; other contribution factors arteriosclerotic heart disease and carcinoma of prostate and metasasis; burial at Sunny Slope Cemetery, West Point, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Death 85-006353.]