NameJames Dunn 
DeathJan 1843
James Dunn was mentioned in the 21 December 1789 will of his father John Dunn, proved on 15 February 1790. “I give and bequeave to my Son John dunn a negro Girl named hanner to him and his Eyrs for ever and in Case he dy Without Eyr it is my Desire that my son Jame Dunn shall have her I give to my son Janes Dunn one hundread for forty for acors of Land Liing in Caroline County and one negro Girl named Jane an in Case he Dy without Eyr it is my Desire that my son John dunn shall have his part…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 178–179.]
On 17 August 1793, commissioners appointed by Essex County court divided the Caroline County lands of John Dunn the Elder of Essex. This action was the result of a suit in which orators and oratrices were William Dunn, James Dunn an infant under the age of twenty one years by Ann Dunn his guardian, Joshua Dunn, Henry Dunn, Thomas Dunn & Godfrey Dunn, the two last infants under the age of twenty one years by George Martin their next friend, George Martin & Joanna his wife, Charles Bennett and Patty his wife, Patsey Dunn & Tolly Dunn & Dabney Dunn the two last infants under the age of twenty one years by George Page their next friend, and George Page & Molly his wife & Jaily Dunn, and defendants were John Dunn and Larkin Dunn. The complainants alleged that John Dunn senr. late of the county of Essex made his last will & testament bearing date the 21st day of december 1789, bequeathing to your orator James Dunn one hundred & forty four acres of land lying in Caroline County (the said testator being at that time seized of a tract of land in that county), and in case he died without heir, that it was his desire that the sd. testator’s son John Dunn should have his part, that he willed 144 acres of land to his grandchildren the son of John Dunn decd., which said children are orators and oratrices Joshua Dunn, Henry Dunn, Thomas Dunn, Godfrey Dunn, Joanna the wife of your orator George Martin, Patty the wife of your orator Charles Bennett & Patsey Dunn & John Dunn, and the said testator gave to his grandchildren the children of his son James Dunn decd. 144 acres, which said children are Larkin Dunn and your orators Tolly Dunn and Dabney Dunn & oratrices Molly the wife of George Page & Jaily Dunn, and also gave to your orator Wm. Dunn by the style of his son Wm. Dunn 66 acres, all of which was part of one tract of land in Caroline County. That a decree is necessary to divide the land, and to the end therefore that John Dunn, who was one of the children of John Dunn decd. in the said testator’s will and testament mentioned, and Larkin Dunn, who is one of the children of the said James Dunn decd. may be made defendants, to which the defendants answered in agreement for a division of the land. The division provided lots to the children of John Dunn, deceased (Joannah Martin (15-1/4 acres), Patsey Dunn (15-1/4 acres), Godfrey Dunn (15-1/4 acres), John Dunn (15-1/4 acres), Pattey Bennet (15-1/4 acres), Joshua Dunn (15-1/4 acres), Henry Dunn (21 acres), and Thomas Dunn (21 acres)); to James Dunn, an infant (133 acres)); to the children of James Dunn, deceased (Tolley Dunn (28-1/2 acres), Mary Page (28-1/2 acres), Larkin Dunn (39 acres), Dabney Dunn (39 acres), and Jaley Dunn (39 acres)); and to William Dunn Elder (62 acres); with one lot of 10 acres unassigned and not included in the will. [Essex County, Virginia, Chancery Papers, Dunn vs. Dunn, 1793.]
James Dunn was mentioned in the 18 July 1812 will of Reuben Brooke, proved 17 January 1814, and was named an executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 509–510.]
On 15 March 1813, James Dunn, Catharine Hart, and Joseph Janey were bound in the penalty of $2,000 for James Dunn’s administration of the goods, chattels and credits of Thomas Hart, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 452–453.]
On 19 August 1818, James Dunn and Joseph Janey were bound in the penalty of $1,800 for James Dunn’s executorship of the last will and testament of Robert Harper, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 524.]
The estate of Robert Harper, deceased, in account with James Dunn, executor, from 1818 to 1821 was settled on 14 July 1821 by Francis Smith, James Cauthorn, and Traverse Gatewood. Includes “paid James Cauthorn for 2 Coffins (for children)”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 238–239.]
On 18 August 1823, James Dunn and Joseph Janey were bound in the penalty of $3,000 for James Dunn’s administration of the estate of Henry Dunn, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 408–409.]
On 19 December 1826, James Dunn and Joseph Janey were bound in the penalty of $500 for James Dunn’s administration of the estate of Ann Dunn, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, page 54.]
The estate of Robert Harper, deceased, in account with James Dunn, executor, from 1821 to 1826 was settled on 18 March 1826 by Traverse Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia Will Book 21, pages 149–150.]
The estate of John Dunn, deceased, in account with Henry Dunn, deceased, James Dunn, administrator, for 1820 was settled on 18 March 1826 by Traverse Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 150–151.]
On 17 November 1828, orators and oratrices Samuel Johnson and Catharine his wife, Henry Dunn, George Martin and Joanna his wife, Dabney Dunn, Thomas Harper and Eliza his wife, Reuben Ware and Sally his wife, Polly Hardy, John Hardy, Mary Dunn, John Dunn, Patsy Dunn, William Dunn, Alexander Dunn, Lewis Dunn, Washington Dunn, Edmund Dunn, Mary Dunn, Fanny Moore, Jane Moore, George Moore, Samuel Broocks, Polly Newbill, William Cox and Lilly his wife, John Cooper and Constant his wife filed a complaint with the chancery court in Essex County, Virginia. “That John Dunn the father of your oratrice Catharine Johnson & of John Dunn who is deac’sd left the said Henry Dunn & Joanna Dunn, his only children & heirs at law, of James Dunn who is also decd & left your orator Dabney Dunn & Tolla Dunn decd, the father of Eliza Harper his only children & heirs at law, of Ann Dunn, who married Joseph Hardy, who is decd & left an only son, Joseph who is also decd & left your oratrice & orators Sally Ware, Polly Hardy & John Hardy his only children & heirs at Law, of Wm Dunn who is also decd & left your oratrices & orators, Mary Dunn, John Dunn & Curtis Dunn who is since decd, & left your orators & oratrices Patsy, William, Alexander, Lewis, Washington, Edmund & Mary his only children & heirs at Law, of Fanny, who married George Moore, both of whom are now decd & left your oratrices & orator Fanny, Jane [June?], & George Moore their only children & heirs at Law, of Mary Brooks, who afterwards married Rice Cauthorn, the mother of your orator & oratrice named Broocks, Polly Newbill, & Sally Cox, who are entitled to distribution as heirs at Law of said Mary Brooks; of Polly Broocks, who left your oratrice Constant Cooper her heir at Law and now residing of Va. who have not been heard from for the last five years also heirs”. That John Dunn “departed this life some time in the year [blank] having made his last Will & Testament, dated 21st December 1789 & duly recorded…He devised to his wife during her widowhood all the land whereon he resided, and after her death, he gave the same to John Dunn his son, who was a brother of the whole blood to the said Catharine Johnson, your oratrice, & of the whole blood to James Dunn, who the said complainants pray may be made deft: hereto & of the whole blood to Henry Dunn, who is decd and left James H. & Roberta his only children & heirs at Law & of the half blood to his other brothers & sisters herein before mentioned, that the said John Dunn afterwards died intestate, an infant under twenty one years of age & without issue…That the said James Dunn & James H. Dunn & Roberta Dunn may be made defendants…” [Essex County, Virginia, Box 146, Deeds and Wills, 1828–1829, loose paper.]
On 22 March 1831, James Dunn and Traverse Gatewood were bound in the penalty of $1,500 for James Dunn’s administration of the estate of Samuel Williamson, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 219–220.]
On 16 September 1833, Richard H. Harwood and James Dunn were bound $200 for Richard H. Harwood’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Horace Dunn. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 132–133.]
On 16 December 1833, James Dunn and William Oliver were bound in the penalty of $2,000 for James Dunn’s administration with the last will and testament of Richard Cauthorn annexed. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 197.]
On 29 September 1834, Jas. Dunn made purchases at the sale of the estate of Philip Clarke, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 21–22.]
The estate of Samuel Williamson, deceased, in account with James Dunn, administrator, from 1831 to 1834 was ordered recorded 21 December 1840. On 15 March 1834, Lowry Williamson and Sthreshley Dunn (in right of his wife Janetter Dunn who was Janetter Williamson) acknowledged that they had received their respective shares of the estate. On 23 April 1834, Ro: Wright Dy for W. Lewis Sheriff & Comt: of the Est: of Ansel WmSon Decd acknowledged that he had received Ansel Williamson’s share of the estate. On 23 April 1834, William S. Croxton acknowledged that he had receive that share of the estate due to his ward Dice Williamson. On 5 December 1834, Leonard Clark acknoweldged receipt of a proportion of the estate in right of his wife as her dower, also as guardian of Dorotha Williamson, David Williamson, and Larkin George Williamson. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 552–555.]
In an undated petition, oratrix Virginia F. Dunn filed in Chancery Court. That her first husband Edwin Hundley died in 1837 leaving children Mary, Edwin and George. Edwin died intestate. George died soon after an infant without issue. Virginia F. then married James Dunn who has also died. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 40, item 40-B-12.] Mary and Edwin are further identified as Mary A. Hundley and Edwin L. Hundley. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 40, item 40-B-11.]
The estate of Richard Cauthorn, deceased, in account with James Dunn, administrator, from 1834 to 1836 was ordered recorded on 19 November 1838. Mentions enslaved people John, Reuben, Mary & children, girl Susanna, boy Obey. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 328–331.]
On 16 July 1838, Augustus G D Roy and James Dunn were bound in the penalty of $150 for Augustus G D Roy’s administration of the estate of Catharine Johnson, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 304–305.]
On 17 March 1840, James Dunn and William A Wright were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for James Dunn’s administration of the estate of Elizabeth B Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 453.]
The estate of Ann Dunn, deceased, in account with James Dunn, administrator, from 1826 to 1830 was ordered recorded on 21 December 1840. The remainder of the estate “was liable to distribution between the admor in his own right, and also as Guardian of his brother Henry Dunn’s Children, and his late Sister Cath. Johnson decd. in equal proportions…” [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 556–557.]
In 1843, orators and oratrices James William infant of James Dunn decd who sued by Virginia F. Dunn his mother and next friend, Peter T. Duff and Olivia Duff his wife who was Olivia D. Dunn daughter of the said James Dunn decd, Thomas Parron and Julia D. his wife who was Julia D. Dunn another daughter of James Dunn decd, Charles C. Smith and Emily his wife who was Emily Dunn another daughter of James Dunn decd, William R. Allen who married Drusilla another daughter of James Dunn since dead, Arthur F. Allen an infant of William R. Allen and Drusilla by his father and next friend, Cordelia Dunn another daughter of James Dunn, and Dorinda M. Dunn another daughter of James Dunn an infant who sued by James A. Dunn her next friend, complained that James Dunn died about __ January 1843, testate. For division of his estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 40, item 40-D-7.]
On 17 February 1845, the estate of James Dunn deceased in account with Jones C. Clopton was recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 25, pages 342–347.]
On 16 December 1850, James A. Dunn, Charles C Smith and Muscoe Garnett were bound $1,500 for James A. Dunn’s administration de bonis non with the will annexed of James Dunn deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 26, page 662.]
Marriageabt 9 May 1842, Essex County, Virginia