NameRichard L. Covington 
Birthabt 1800, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Richard L. Covington was mentioned in the 27 November 1820 will of his uncle, Thomas Covington, with his brother Joseph B. Covington was named co-exector of the will, which was proved 16 September 1822. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 348–349.]
On 16 December 1822, Joseph B. Covington, Richard L. Covington, and Edwin Upshaw were bound in the penalty of $20,000 for Joseph B. Covington’s and Richard L. Covington’s execution of the last will and testament of Thomas Covington, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 349–350.]
On 16 February 1824, Richard L. Covington and Edwin Upshaw were bound in the penalty of $2,500 for Richard L. Covington’s administration of the estate of Mary Johnson, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 42.]
“Married by the Rev. John McGuire on the 10th of January 1827 Richard L Covington to Emily Caroline, daughter of John & Hannah Trible” [Covington-Trible family Bible record, Library of Virginia Archives/Manuscripts Call Number 31787]
On 16 August 1833, Richard L. Covington of legal age made an affidavit in Tappahannock, Essex County, Virginia, in the case of Brockenbrough vs Bohannan. That Alexander L. Bohannan died possessed of Four Negroes, "to wit, a very likely Mulatto Boy named Horace, aged about 12—he was a race Rider and very valuable—I think the boy was worth $500 or $600 Adaline a likely mulatto Girl & next to the boy, about 8 years old I suppose was worth $200—An old Negro Man Randolph I suppose was worth $75 the purchaser told me that was the price he gave for him and an old woman.” [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 52, item 52-N-23.]
On 27 December 1833, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John L Crafton was made by Richard L Covington, Richard D Dunn, and George Gordon. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 239.]
On 13 June 1834, Fontaine Wood provided a deposition in the case of Joseph B. Hipkins vs. Richard L. Covington, who is called Captain Covington throughout the paper. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, items 46-H-2 and 46-H-3.]
On 29 September 1834, Richd L Covington made purchases at the sale of the estate of Philip Clarke, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 21–22.]
“Essex County to wit:
“Inquisition indented taken at Jno Crows in the County aforesaid on the 2d of Febry 1835, before me Thos. Wright Sr Coroner for the County aforesaid upon the view of the body of Alexr. Houston late of said County then and there lying dead and upon the oaths of Richd. L Covington Foreman, Richd. D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn Jno H Smith, Walter G. Covington, Leroy Taylor, Thos. Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Ach Lumpkin good & lawful men of the County aforesaid who being sworn & charged to enquire on the part of the said Commonwealth when where how and after what manner the said Alex Houston came to his death do say upon their oaths that having examined the said Houstons body are of the opinion that his death was caused from blows inflicted upon his head — by whom they were inflicted we know not — In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid have to this Inquisition put their seals on the day and year aforesaid and at the place aforesaid—“
Richard L Covington, Richard D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn, John H Smith, Walter G Covington, Leroy his x mark Taylor, Thomas Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Achilles Lumpkin. Thomas Wright Cr. Doctor J Minor attended as a physition. Ordered recorded 17 March 1835.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 318.]
On 25 April 1835, George Taylor provided a deposition in the case of Joseph B. Hipkins against Richard L. Covington. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-I-22.]
On 10 November 1835, Richd. L. Covington purchased property at the sale of the estate of Gabriel Boughan, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 1–2.]
In March 1836 Richard L. Covington served as the foreman for a grand jury for Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 45, item 45-M-45.]
On 1 December 1836, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Robert Wright was made by Thomas N. Clarke, Richard L. Covington, and George Hill. Includes Easter a Negro Woman. On 15 July 1837, an inventory and appraisal of the property lent Robert Wright by William L. Waring was listed, including Peggy a negro woman, Eliza a Girl, Henry a boy and Nancy a small Girl. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 152–153.]
On 25 February 1840, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Smith, deceased, was made by Richard L. Covington, James Wright, and P. J. Derieux. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 477–479.]
On 21 September 1840, Washington H. Purkins, Muscoe Garnett and Richard L. Covington were bound in the penalty of $3,000 for Washington H. Purkins’s administration with the will annexed of Caty B Allen, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 511–512.]
Orators and oratrices James Trible, Andrew Hundley and Nancy his wife, George M. Trible, Smith Young and Margaret K. his wife, Fielding D. Piggott and Eliza his wife, William R. G. Trible and John S. Trible complained to the Chancery Court. That John Trible the father of your orators and oratrices died on 20 September 1844 also leaving the following other children: Peter and Austin M. Trible, Emily Covington wife of Richard L. Covington, Eliza Kemper, John, Selah, Summerfield, Franklin & Frances Holbrook children of Frances Hollrook, the said Frances being a daughter of John Trible deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 40, item 40-I-6.]
On 20 November 1844, Richard L. Covington served on the jury of an inquisition concerning the death of Thomas J. G. B. Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 25, page 332.]
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 69
Dwelling 55, Household 55
Covington, Richard L., 50, male, farmer, value of real estate $6,000, born in Virginia
Covington, Emily, 45, female, born in Virginia
Covington, Columbia, 18, female, born in Virginia
Covington, Mary, 14, female, born in Virginia, in school
Marriage10 Jan 1827, Essex County, Virginia