NameRichard James Muse 
Birthabt 1809, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Richard J. Muse was mentioned, as underage, in the 22 November 1821 will of his grandmother, Elizabeth Smith Banks, proved 16 December 1822. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 351–352.]
In 1832, orators and oratrices Elizabeth Y. Muse wife of Samuel Muse, and Mary Augusta, Lucy Ann, Catharine E. C., and Caroline L. Muse, and yr orator Richard J. Muse and Samuel W. Y. Muse the sd Sml W. Y., Mary Augusta, Lucy Ann, Catharine E. C. and Caroline infants under 21 by Richard J. Muse their next friend complained that on 19 November 1825 William B. Matthews conveyed to one Lawrence Muse a variety of property in trust for the support of your orators and oratrices and the said Samuel Muse. In 1832 Lawrence Muse died, and no one has been authorized to oversee the said Samuel Muse in the management and disposition of the property. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 43, item 43-A-10.]
On 31 July 1834, Richard J. Muse made purchases at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
On 13 and/or 14 November 1834, Richard J. Muse purchased property at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
On 18 July 1836, Cyrus Segar and Richard J Muse were bound in the penalty of $200 for Cyrus Segar’s administration of the estate of Philip Clarke, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 51.]
On 19 September 1836, Barbara Gatewood, Jones C Clopton, Richard J Muse, Edwd M Ware, Wm L Gatewood, George Wright and Oscar M Crutchfield were bound in the penalty of $38,000 for Barbara Gatewood’s adminsitration with the will annexed of the estate Kemp Gatewood, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 67.]
On 16 January 1837, William B B Seward and Richard J Muse were bound in the penalty of $300 for William B B Seward’s execution of the will of Bartlett Brizendine. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 97.]
Richard J Muse was named an executor in the 14 January 1837 nuncupative will of Henry Davis, ordered recorded 20 February 1837. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 101.]
On 19 June 1837, Richard J. Muse and Benjamin Blake were bound in the penalty of $362 for Richard J. Muse’s executorship of the estate of Henry Davis, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 136.]
On 19 June 1837, James W. Cauthorn, Wm. Smith, Robert Sowell, Robt. M. Davis, Richd. J. Muse and Muscoe Garnett Jr. were bound in the penalty of $16,600 for James W. Cauthorn’s administration with the will annexed of the estate of Edmund Cauthron, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 137.]
On 19 June 1837, Wm. B. B. Seward and Richd. J. Muse were bound in the penalty of $50 for Wm. B. B. Seward’s administrator of the estate of John Foreacres, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 138–139.]
On 30 June 1837, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Foreacres, deceased, was made by Reuben B. Boughton, Broockes Boughton, and Richard J. Muse. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 141.]
On 16 April 1838, George T. F. Larmier, William Oliver, and Richard J. Muse were bound in the penalty of $10,000 for George T. F. Larmier’s administration of the estate of Thomas Collins. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 275–276.]
On 1 August 1838, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Catharine Johnson was made by R J Muse, Samuel Muse, and A. S. Boughton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 370–371.]
On 3 January 1839, an inventory and appraisal of the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Mrs Catharine Dix was by James Wright, R. J. Muse, and Geo: H. Shelton. Includes Harriett and two youngest children Thornton & Carter, Mira Catharine, Maria, Isaac, and George. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 351.]
The estate of Henry Davis, deceased, in account with Richard J. Muse, executor, from 1837 to 1839 was ordered recorded 15 April 1839. Includes paid 36 cents clks fee for copy division of the Est: of Richd Cauthorn. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 374–375.]
On 21 July 1845, Zebulon M P Carter, Richard J. Muse, William R. Purkins and Charles L. Boughan were bound $500 for Zebulon M P Carter’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Frances Howerton, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 25, pages 412–413.]
On 16 March 1846, a deed of trust was executed between Charles L. Boughan of the first part, Ethelbert G. Cauthorn of the second part, and Zebulon M. P. Carter and Richard J. Muse of the third part. Whereas the parties of the third part are securities for Charles L. Boughan’s guardianship of the infant children John T. Boughan and Catharine Boughan and whereas Charles L. Boughan agrees to indemnify Zebulon M. P. Carter and Richard J. Muse, he sells for $1 to Ethelbert G. Cauthorn a tract of land bounded by Washington H. Purkins, Wm S. Croxton and James Croxton. Signed Chas L Boughan, E. G. Cauthorn, Z. M. P. Carter, R. J. Muse. Ordered recorded 16 March 1846. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 49, pages 70–71.]
On 18 September 1846 a deed of trust was executed between Charles L. Boughan of the first part, James M. Mathews of the second part, and Richard J. Muse and Zebulon M. P. Carter of the third part, all of the County of Essex. Whereas Richard J. Muse and Zebulon M. P. Carter are securities for Charles L. Boughan on bonds, Charles L. Boughan sells for $5 to James M. Mathews real and personal estate, including 90 acres bounded by Washington H. Purkins, Wm S. Croxton, James Croxton and others, and all household goods, to be sold in the event of default. Signed Charles L. Boughan, Z. M. P. Carter. No witnesses. Ordered recorded 18 September 1846. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 49, pages 160–162.]
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of William R. Allen was made on 21 June 1847 by A M Trible, R: J Muse, and Robt T Shakelford. Total valuation $108.62. Ordered recorded 16 August 1847. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 26, pages 208–209.]
In about 1848, orators and oratrice Samuel W. Y. Muse and Peter S. Trible and Lucy Ann his wife complained to the Chancery Court. That in ____ Samuel Muse conveyed in trust his estate to his brother Laurence Muse for the benefit of his family during the lifetime of himself and his wife. Laurence died and the court appointed Richard J. Muse trustee. Samuel and his wife are now dead, leaving six children to wit Richard J. Muse, Samuel W. Y. Muse, Lucy Ann Muse who married Peter S. Trible, Caroline Muse, Catherine Muse and Anna Muse the last three infants under the age of 21. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 41, item 41-F-32.]
Richard J. Muse and Zebulon M. P. Carter in deed of trust dated 18 September 1846 with Charles L. Boughan, were in account with James M. Matthew trustee. Property was sold. Ordered recorded 19 October 1857. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 51, pages 110–111.]
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Page 68
Dwelling 49, Family 49
Muse, Richard J., 41, male, farmer, value of real estate $10,000, born in Virginia
Muse, Ann, 35, female, born in Virginia
Muse, Charles, 18, male, born in Virginia
Muse, Richard, 16, male, born in Virginia
Muse, Samuel, 9, male, born in Virginia
Muse, Lawrence, 5, male, born in Virginia
Muse, Robert, 1, male, born in Virginia
Muse, Anna, 13, female, born in Virginia
Muse, Caroline, 19, female, born in Virginia
Muse, Susan, 6, female, born in Virginia
Muse, Julia, 2, female, born in Virginia
On 17 March 1856, William A. Brizendine, Richard J. Muse and James R. Wright were bound $200 for William A. Brizendine’s administration of the personal estate of Cadmus Brizendine. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, page 582.]
1870 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 203
Dwelling 1583, Family 1583
Muse, Richard J., 60, male, white, farmer, value of personal estate $470, born in Virginia
Muse, Ann M., 55, female, white, keeping house, born in Virginia
Muse, Lawrence W., 24, male, white, without occupation, value of real estate $4,000, born in Virginia
Muse, Susan L., 30, female, white, without occupation, born in Maryland
Muse, Richard J. Jr., 34, male, white, farm laborer, born in Virginia
Muse, Robert H., 20, male, white, farm laborer, born in Virginia
Muse, Julia D., 21, female, white, without occupation, born in Virginia
Muse, Laurana, 6/12, female, white, at home, born in Virginia, born in December
Smith, William F., 6, male, white, born in Maryland