NameWilliam F. Inglart 
Birthabt 1867, Maryland
Deathbef 1931
On 19 February 1891, The Baltimore Sun reported in a legal column:
The Concordia Loan and Saving Association was incorporated by Frederick Diegel, Ferdinand Schneider, Henry Moser, Frederick J. Schneider, Gustav A. Musch, Wm. F. Inglart, August Kunkel, John Frohnapfel, Henry B. Schulte and Charles Sommerworck. The capital stock is $500,000.
[The Baltimore Sun, 19 February 1891, page 3.]
On 12 December 1903, The Baltimore Sun’s Court Proceedings column listed for Orphans’ Court:
Estate of John Bollinger to James T. and Margaretha Longwith (c. t. a.) bond of $250; of Margaretha Inglart to William F. Inglart, bond $4,000; of Philip Inglart to William F. Inglart, bond of $6,000.
[The Baltimore Sun, 12 December 1903, page 10.]
On 13 January 1904, an advertisement in The Baltimore Sun stated:
Wm B. Smith, Attorney, Glenn Building.—THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore City, letters of administration on the estate of PHILIP INGLART, late of said city, deceased. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 14TH DAY OF JUNE, 1904; they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of December, 1903
244 South Wolfe street.
[The Baltimore Sun, 13 January 1904, page 3.]
On 6 February 1904, an advertisement in The Baltimore Sun stated:
William B. Smith, Attorney, Glenn Building. —
By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Baltimore City, passed on the 3d day of February, 1904, in the estate of Margaretta Inglart, deceased, the undersigned, Administrator, will sell at public auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the 23d day of February, 1904, at 4.30 o’clock P. M., THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY:
BEGINNING for the same on the west side of Wolfe street at the distance of ninety feet north from the northwest corner or intersection of Wolfe and Gough streets, and running thence north, binding on the west side of Wolfe street thirty feet; thence west, parallel with Gough street, eighty-five feet; thence south, parallel with Wolfe street, thirty feet; and thence east, parallel with Gough street, eighty-five feet to the place of beginning. Subject to annual ground rent of $52.50. Improvements consist of a STABLE with a capacity for 14 horses and 9 carriages, and a three-story BRICK DWELLING. The above having been the location of an undertaking and livery establishment of the late Philip Inglart, deceased.
Terms of Sale: Cash. A deposit of $50 required of purchaser at sale.
WILLIAM F. INGLART, Administrator
SCHWAB BROWS. & CO., Auctioneers.
[The Baltimore Sun, 6 February 1904, page 5; 10 February 1904, page 5; 22 February 1904, page 5; 23 February 1904, page 5.]
On 30 June 1904, an article in Der Deutsche Correspondent stated:
Feierte seinen 73. Geburstag. — Hr. Ferdinand Schneider von Nr. 1740, Canton-Ave., feierte am Montag seinen 73. Geburtstag, indem er seinen Freunden zu Ehren einen Ausflug nach "Walnut-Grove" am Bear-Creek veranstaltete. Die Theilnehmer verliessen Baltimore in einem grossen Omnibus, und auf der Rückfahrt wurde am "River-View-Varf” angehalten. Unter den Theilnehmern befanden sich die H.H. Ferdinand Schneider, Julius Meister, Geo. Beidenstöfer, Chas. L. Man, Stadtrathsmitglied William B. Smith, Fred. J. Schneider, Jacob Kern, Ferdinand Behr, William F. Inglart, August Meyer, , Fred. Schneider and Elmer Schneider.
Celebrated his 73rd birthday. - Mr. Ferdinand Schneider of Nr. 1740 Canton Ave., celebrated on Monday his 73rd birthday by a trip to "Walnut Grove" held by his friends in honor at Bear Creek. The participators left Baltimore in a large bus, and on the way back stopped at the "River-View-Wharf.” Among the participants were the H.H. Ferdinand Schneider, Julius Meister, Geo. Beidenstöfer, Chas. L. Man, City Council member William B. Smith, Fred. J. Schneider, Jacob Kern, Ferdinand Behr, William F. Inglart August Meyer, Fred. Schneider and Elmer Schneider.
[Der Deutsche Correspondent, 30 June 1904, page 8.]
On 14 October 1907, The Baltimore Sun published an article that stated in part:
Accident At Monumental Democratic Club’s Outing.
The annual oyster roast of the Mounmental Social Democratic Club at Walnut Grove shore, on Bear Creek, was saddened yesterday when William Zellers, 25 years old, 514 South Dallas street, fell from a rowboat and drowned….
Some of those in the crowd were:
William Inglart
[The Baltimore Sun, 14 October 1907, page 7.]
1910 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
1st Ward, Enumeration District 10, page 198A
602 Luzerne Street
Dwelling 307, Household 353
Inglart, William F., head, male, white, age 43, married one time, married for 20 years, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany and spoke German, native tongue English, occupation blacksmith for wagon works, wage worker, not at work on April 14th, not out of work previous 12 months, can read and write, owns home free of mortgage, lives in house
Inglart, Elizabeth K., wife, female, white, age 43, married one time, married for 20 years, mother of two children, of whom one is living, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany and spoke German, speaks English, no occupation, can read and write
Inglart, Irene M., daughter, female, white, 15, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation, can read and write, in school
[N.B.: Next door at 600 Luzerne is Elizabeth’s sister Mina Barnes and her family.]
1920 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
7th Ward, Enumeration District 93
Sheet 21B
Enumerated 22 January 1920
814 North Lakewood Avenue
Gould, Jay, head, owner, mortgaged, male, white, 30, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, father born in Massachusetts, mother born in Pennsylvania, speaks English, machinist in tin can company, wage worker
Gould, Irene, wife, female, white, 25, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
Gould, William, son, male, white, 2-1/4, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
Gould, Jay Jr., son, male, white, 2/12, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
Inglart, William, father-in-law, male, white, 53, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, blacksmith in steel mill, wage worker
Inglart, Elizabeth, mother-in-law, female, white, 53, married, can read and write, married, both parents born in Germany, native tongue of both parents is German, speaks English, no occupation
The 1921 Baltimore City Directory lists on page 1121:
Inglart, Wm F blksmith 814 n Lakewood av
The 1929 Baltimore City Directory lists on page 946:
Inglart Wm F (Eliz K) toolmkr r5106 Greenhill av