NameAnna Wölfel 
Birth14 Mar 1839, Burggaillenreuth, Oberfranken, Bavaria
Death26 Jul 1883, Baltimore, Maryland
Burial28 Jul 1883, Baltimore Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland
Cause of deathInflammation of liver, jaundice
On 11 May 1857, a notice in the Abendblatt (evening paper) of the Neuen Münchener Zeitung stated:
Bekanntmachung. Die ledige Anna Wölfel von Burggaillenreuth will nach Nordamerika auswandern. Wer an ihr etwas zu fordern hat, muß solches binnen 14 Tagen dahier anmelden, widrigenfalls der Pass ausgehändigt wird.
Ebermannstadt den 5. Mai 1857.
Königliches Landgericht Ebermannstadt
Der fönigl. Landrichter
Notice. The unmarried Anna Wölfel of Burggaillenreuth wants to emigrate to North America. If you have something to demand, you must register it within 14 days, otherwise the passport will be handed over.
Ebermannstadt the 5th of May 1857.
Royal Court Ebermannstadt
The honorable landlord
Degen. [Sword]
[Neuen Münchener Zeitung, Abendblatt, 11 May 1857, page 4.]
On 10 March 1860, George Schneider married Anna Wolfel, in the same church (First United Evangelical Church, Baltimore City) as where Ferdinand and Anna’s son Louis Philipp Schneider’s death was recorded in 1869. [Maryland State Archives, Special Collections, MS SC 2887, Film No. M 1549-2, page 182, as transcribed by Pauline Leitner.]
1870 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
2nd Ward, written page no. 85, enumerated on 24 June
Dwelling No. 470, Family No. 745
Schneider, Ferdinand, 39, tinner, $1500 real estate, $1000 personal estate, born in Bavaria
Schneider, Anna, 30, keeping house, born in Bavaria
Schneider, Frederick, 9, born in Maryland, in school
Schneider, Charles, 7, born in Maryland, in school
Schneider, Eliza, 5, born in Maryland
Fuchs, Margaret, 17, domestic servant, born in Maryland
Anna Woelfil’s last name is given as Anna Woelfil in the birth record of a daughter in 1878. [Hall of Records, Annapolis, microfilm record of City of Baltimore Office of Registrar of Vital Statistics, Board of Health, Reutrn of a Birth 25670.]
1880 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
2nd Ward, E.D. 21, written page 43, enumerated 12 June 1880
Dwelling No. 331, Family No. 462
282 Canton Avenue
Schneider, Ferdinand, 49, tinner, born in Bavaria
Schneider, Anna, 41, wife, keeping house, born in Bavaria
Schneider, Frederick, 19, son, plumber, born in Maryland
Schneider, Charles, 17, son, tinner app’r, born in Maryland
Schneider, Lizzie, 14, daughter, at home, born in Maryland
Schneider, Kate, 10, daughter, at school, born in Maryland
Schneider, Anna, 7, daughter, at school, born in Maryland
Schneider, Maria, 4, daughter, born in Maryland
Schneider, Mainie, 2, daughter, born in Maryland
Anna Schneider died on 26 July 1883. Her death certificate provides the following information: full name Mrs. Anna Schneider; female; aged 44 years 4 months 12 days; white; married; housewife; born in Bavaria, Germany; lived in Baltimore for 26 years; died at 282 Canton Ave.; cause of death (first) inflammation of liver, jaundice (second) paralysis of heart; duration of last sickness 2 days; buried at Baltimore Cemetery 28 July 1883. [Hall of Records, Annapolis, microfilm record of City of Baltimore Board of Death Permit No. 68575.]
On 30 July 1883, Der Deutsche Correspondent published:
Beerdigungen. — Am Samstage, Rechmittags 2 Uhr, wurden vom Trauerhause, No. 232, Canton-Avenue, aus die sterblichen Ueberreste der Frau Anna Schneider auf der "Baltimore Cemetery" in dem Gewölbe beigesetzt, bis der Gatte der Entschlafenen den letzten Ruheplatz gewählt. Die Verstorbene war erst 44 Jahre und 4 Monate alt, aus Burggalgenraith, Oberfranken, Bayern, gebürtig und seit dreissig Jahren in America. Sie hatte seit Jahren ein hartnädiges Leberleiden, doch glaubten die Angehörigen nicht, dass Dies lebensgefährlich sei. Plötzlich erkrankte sie ernstlich und verschied, nachdem sie nur 1-1/2 Tag an's Bett gesesselt war. Die --- schenkte ihrem Gatten, Hrn. Ferdinand Schneider, neun Kin-- , von denen sieben sie überleben; das jüngste derselben ist erst fünf Jahre alt. In dem sonst so lebhaften Heim, wo srohe Kinder such um sie lieben Eltern schaarten, ist's jetzt still und schweigsam; der Jubel der Kleinen ist verstummt, ernst blicken sie in stillen Räumen,
"Denn sie wohnt im Schattenlande,
Die des Hauses Mutter war."
Funerals. - On Saturday, at 2 in the afternoon from the house of mourning, No. 232 Canton Avenue, were buried the mortal remains of Mrs Anna Schneider in Baltimore Cemetery in the vault until the husband of she who sleeps selects the final resting place. The deceased was only 44 years and 4 months old, a native of Burggaillenreuth, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, and for thirty years in America. She had for years a persistent liver disease, but the family did not believe that this was dangerous to life. Suddenly she fell seriously ill and gave up after she was restricted in bed only 1-1/2 days. The deceased gave her husband, Mr. Ferdinand Schneider, nine children, seven of whom survive, the youngest of which is only five years old. In the otherwise lively home, where joyous children flocked to their dear parents, is it now still and silent; the cheers of the little ones have been silenced, serious they look in quiet rooms,
"For she dwells in the shadowlands,
Who was the mother of the house."
[Der Deutsche Correspondent, 30 July 1883, page 4.]
Anna Schneider’s tombstone reads:
Beloved wife of
Ferdinand Schneider
March 11 [?stone worn-could say 14], 1839
July 30, 1881
Asleep in Jesus.
Birth25 Jun 1831, Pirmasens, Bavaria
Death16 Sep 1911, Baltimore, Maryland
Burial20 Sep 1911, Baltimore Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland
Marriage10 Mar 1860, Baltimore, Maryland