On 8 June 1826 in Heidelsheim, Baden, Christoph Trautwein, son of Georg Trautwein and Margaretha Barbara Trautwein, was married to Christina Kumm, daughter of Conrad Kumm and Katharina Kumm. [Baden, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1502-1985,
Mikrofilm Sammlung, Familysearch.org, pages 16–17.]
On 14 September 1853, Christiana (listed as Chr. Trauswein) arrived on the ship Mississippi, traveling from Bremen to Baltimore, Maryland. Traveling together were Chr. Trauswein, 53, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], woman; Cath. Trauswein, 26, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], woman; Jak. Trauswein, 24, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], man; Gg. Trauswein, 22, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], man; Christ. Trauswein, 20, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], woman; Mrgr. Trauswein, 18, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], woman; John Trauswein, 14, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], man; Elisab. Trauswein, 9, from Heidelsheim, pleasant [peasant], child. Other families from Heidelsheim were also on the ship. [National Archives; Records of the US Customs Service, RG36; NAI Number: 2655153; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787–2004; Record Group Number: 85.]