On 16 May 1839, Johannes Trautwein was born to Christoph Trautwein and Christiana Trautwein, and was Baptized on 23 May 1839 in Heidelsheim, Baden. [Baden, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1502-1985,
Mikrofilm Sammlung, Familysearch.org, pages 316–317.]
On 20 October 1848, Johann Trautwein died, age 8, and was buried in Helmsheim [sic, parish on register is Heidelsheim] on 22 October 1848. Father was Christoph Trautwein, mother was Christiana Trautwein (maiden name Somm). [Baden, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1502-1985,
Mikrofilm Sammlung, Familysearch.org, pages 368–369.]