NamePaul Micou ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Deathabt Dec 1798
I Paul Micou Senr. of the County of Essex and parish of St. ann in the state of Virginia Do make this my last Will & Testament. — 1st. It is my will and desire after all my Just debts are paid, that the remainder of my Estate be disposed of in the manner hereafter mentioned, that is to say, I give & devise to my daughter Catharine Micou & her heirs forever the follow slaves & their increase to wit, Sprig, Letty, Rose, Dinah, London, Jude, Tulip, alice, Robert, Moore, Sally, James, Richard, Betsey John & Kitty. — 2d. I give and bequeath to my son James R. Micou and his heirs forever the following slaves by their names, Vizt; William, old James, Grace, Moll, Patty, Charles Hannah, and William & their increase. — 3d. I give and devise unto my Daughter Jane Roy Micou the following Negro slaves & their increase to wit, Violet, Isaac, Isbel & Child, Annaky, Fanny & Edmond & old Darby & Aggy. 4th. Having already amply provided for my son Paul Micou by Deed of Gift, as also my son John, it is my will and desire that in case my daughter Jane R Micou should die before she comes to lawful age or marries, the Negroes and their increase devised her shall be equally divided amongst my children hereafter named, to wit, John, James, & Catharine the said John to have only an estate for life his share in the division of the said negroes & after the death of the said John to go to the child or children of the said John living at the time of his death to them & their heirs forever. — 5th. In case my daughter Catharine should die before she married & without lawful-issue the negroes & their increase devised her, shall be equally divided among my children hereafter named, to wit, John, James & Jane R. Micou the said John only holding & to have a life estate in his share in the division of the said negroes & after the death of the said John to go to the child or children of the said John living that the time of his death to them & their heirs forever. — 6th It is hereby my will that in case my son John should die before either of my daughters Jane or Catharine & afterwards if either of my daughters Jane or Catharine should die unmarried or my daughter Jane before she arives [sic] to twenty one years of age, or my daughter Catha. without lawful issue altho’ she may marry, then, & in those events it is my desire that the share of the Estate wh[c]h. my son John would have taken agreeably to the 4th. & 5th. clauses of my will in case my daughters or either of them should die before him (having respect to the provisions & limitations in the said Clauses) shall still go to the children of my son John living at the time of his death to them & their heirs forever — 7th. That my meaning may not be misunderstood with respect to the ample provision whh. I have in another part of this my will said that I had made for my son Paul it is, that, my son Paul shall not inherit any part of my estate except that already given him by Deed of Gift bearing date the 31st day of May 1782 & recorded in the County Court of Essex, Reference being thereunto had, may more fully appear. — 8th. My son Paul having lived with me some years as the sole Manager of my business & our accounts laying in a confused & unsettled situation, it is my will & desire that my friends & neighbours, Mr. Wm Waring, Mr. Thomas Pitts & Mr. Robert Baylor make a settlemt. of the said accounts, and it is my earnest will & desire that my son Paul shall not be obliged to produce vouchers before the said Gentn. to establish his accounts, but that his word and, say so, shall be received as Valid testimony to the establishment of any Debit or Credit in the said settlement. — 9th. It is my Will and desire that my sons Paul & James Micou become guardians to my daughter Jane Micou without giving Bond or security for this undertaking. — 10th It is my will that my sons paul & James be my whole & sole executors to this my Will & that they be not required to give Bond & Security for the execution of it — I hereunto set my hand & seal to my last Will & Testament revoking all others I ever made dated 15th July 1796.
Paul Micou
Witnesses: Baldwin M Lee, Philip Gray, John Gayle, John H Micou
Presented on 17 December 1798 by Paul Micou Junior one of the executors named therein, and proved by Philip Gray and John H. Micou “and ordered to be certified and continued for further proof,” and a certificate was granted to Paul Micou Junior in order to his obtaining probate without taking bond.
[Essex County, Virgnia, Will Book 15, pages 443–445.]
On 25 November 1812, articles of agreement were drawn up between Paul Micou who was executor of Paul Micou deceased of the one part, and John Micou, Jas. R. Micou, Catherine Micou, and Jane R. Micou, children and legatees of the said Paul Micou deceased, of the second part. Whereas the accounts of Paul Micou executor are unsettled, and there being still debts due from the estate, it is mutually agreed between the parties that Paul Micou shall take upon himself the payments of all debts in consideration of the said legatees of Paul Micou, deceased, discharging Paul Micou, executor, from all claims which they have against him. Ordered recorded 21 December 1812. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 436–437.]