NameJohn G. Lumpkin 
Deathabt Jul 1831
The will of John Lumpkin of the County of Essex was dated 21 January 1826. To beloved wife Nancy Lumpkin during her life that tract of land bounded by lands of H.W. Latane, Richd. Ball jr., Richd. Burnett, Richd. Ball senr, nad Larkin Moody. Slaves and other provisions to wife. To son Rhoderick Lumpkin land I purchased from my brothers Spenser & Thomas Lumpkin & that part of the tract called Bookers. To son Achilles Lumpkin all the balance of land called Bookers. I devise (for the use of my son Horace Lumpkin) to my friend Winter Bray his heirs & assigns allthe land allotted to me on the devision of the land belonging to my decd. father Robert Lumpkin, containing about fifty two acres … I intend to be in trust to permit my son Horace Lumpkin to reside thereon & take the profits thereof & make any improvements thereon that he may think proper & provide for the comfort of my said son in any way that my said friend may think proper from the use & profits thereof & even to sell & the the proceeds thereof the purchase another piece of land to be held on the same terms in every respect if the said Bray shall think proper, and after the death of the said Horace the same land & premises shall be for the benefit of any children of my said son Horace, in case he shall leave a child or children. To son Richeseon Lumpkin all my land called Crows which I mean to include all the land conveyed to me by St. Albion Crow, Lewis Gatewood & H. W. Latane as trustee &c and also devise to my son Richeson the land herein devised to my beloved wife. But it is my intention that my son Richeson shall hold the tract of land conveyed to me by H.W. Latane in trust for my daughter Polly wife of Fielding S. Crow, not to be applied to satisfy or pay any debt which the said Fielding S. Crow hath. To son Richeson Lumpkin (for the use of my daughter Susanna Lumpkin) $50, and my girl Harriet and two boys George and Washington. To friend Winter Bray for the use of my son Carter Lumpkin my negro Willis and $100. After death of wife, all other estate divided between sons Rhoderick, Richeson and Achilles and my daughter Eliza. Smither. Friend Henry W. Latane and son Richeson Lumpkin to be executors. Signed John Lumpkin. Witnesses: Thos. L Latané, R.G. Haile, H.W. Latane. Proved 18 July 1831. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 314–317.]
On 15 August 1831, Henry W Latane, Richardson Lumpkin, Thomas L Latane, Wm C Latane, Robert G Howerton, Achilles Lumpkin and Jas Smither were bound in the penalty of $14,000 for Henry W Latane’s and Richeson Lumpkin’s executorship of the estate of Jno Lumpkin. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 321.]
On 7 September 1831, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Lumpkin, deceased, was made by William Cox, Jos. Gatewood, and D. P. Wright. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 345–347.]
On 30 December 1831 [record says 1830, but in error], a division of the slaves of John Lumpkin was made pursuant to an order of the County Court of Essex the 21st of November 1831, with lots of equal value to Richardson Lumpkin, Roderick Lumpkin, Achilles Lumpkin, and James Smither. Ordered recorded 16 January 1832. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 383.]
The estate of John Lumpkin, deceased, in account with H W Latane and Richardson Lumpkin, executors, from 1831 to 1832 was ordered recorded on 21 May 1832. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 443–445.]