NameAchilles Lumpkin 
Achilles Lumpkin was mentioned in the 21 January 1826 will of his father, John Lumpkin, proved 18 July 1831. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 314–317.]
The estate of Tandy Dix, deceased, in account with Henry W Latane, administrator de bonis non with the will annexed from 1829 to 1831 was ordered recorded 19 March 1832. Includes amount “paid Achilles Lumpkin who married the widow of Tandy Dix decd on acct of her dower”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 413–415.]
On 19 December 1831, Achilles Lumpkin and Richardson Lumpkin were bound in the penalty of $2,000 to satisfy a provision of a suit in chancery. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, 368–369.]
On 30 December 1831 [record says 1830, but in error], a division of the slaves of John Lumpkin was made pursuant to an order of the County Court of Essex the 21st of November 1831, with lots of equal value to Richardson Lumpkin, Roderick Lumpkin, Achilles Lumpkin, and James Smither. Ordered recorded 16 January 1832. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 383.]
The estate of Nancy Lumpkin in account with James Smither, administrator for 1833 was ordered recorded 16 June 1834. On 24 April 1834, the legatees, including Carter Lumpkin, Roderick Lumpkin, Richardson Lumpkin, Horace Lumpkin, Achilles Lumpkin, Susan Lumpkin, and F. S. Crow, acknowledged that they had received their respective proportions or one eighth part of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 269–270.]
“Essex County to wit:
“Inquisition indented taken at Jno Crows in the County aforesaid on the 2d of Febry 1835, before me Thos. Wright Sr Coroner for the County aforesaid upon the view of the body of Alexr. Houston late of said County then and there lying dead and upon the oaths of Richd. L Covington Foreman, Richd. D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn Jno H Smith, Walter G. Covington, Leroy Taylor, Thos. Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Ach Lumpkin good & lawful men of the County aforesaid who being sworn & charged to enquire on the part of the said Commonwealth when where how and after what manner the said Alex Houston came to his death do say upon their oaths that having examined the said Houstons body are of the opinion that his death was caused from blows inflicted upon his head — by whom they were inflicted we know not — In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid have to this Inquisition put their seals on the day and year aforesaid and at the place aforesaid—“
Richard L Covington, Richard D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn, John H Smith, Walter G Covington, Leroy his x mark Taylor, Thomas Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Achilles Lumpkin. Thomas Wright Cr. Doctor J Minor attended as a physition. Ordered recorded 17 March 1835.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 318.]
On 19 August 1836, Achilles Lumpkin witnessed the will of Thomas Wright. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 492–495.]
On 15 January 1838, Richard Motley, as administrator of the estate of William Fisher, deceased, sold Negroes belonging to the estate. To William P. Taylor: Boy Philip, Girl Rachel, Frances and child about 8 mos. old; to Robert H. Harrison: Dennis; to George Wright: Sam Kellis; to James C. Clopton: Daniel; to Achilles Lumpkin: Martha; to Mr. Malichote [?]: Eliza. Total valuation $5,326.00. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 276.]
The estate of Carter Lumpkin, deceased, in account with Achilles Lumpkin, trustee, from 1833 to 1837 was ordered recorded 21 May 1838. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 281.]
Marriageabt 16 Jun 1828, Essex County, Virginia