NameAmos Cauthorn 
Birthabt 1790, Virginia
Deathabt 1850
Amos Cauthorn was mentioned in the 18 July 1814 will of his mother, Catherine Cauthorn, proved 17 April 1815. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 143–144.]
On 17 January 1820, Amos Cauthorn, James Cauthorn and John Cauthorn were bound in the penalty of $1,500 for Amos Cauthorn’s administration with the will annexed of Greenwood Fisher. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 83–84.]
The estate of Greenwood Fisher, deceased, in account with Amos Cauthorn, administrator, from 1820 to 1822 was ordered recorded 18 March 1822. Mentions sale of Angelina and child on 16 July 1821. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 275–276.]
On 20 October 1823, Amos Cauthorn, Peter B. Davis and James Cauthorn were bound in the penalty of $1,000 for Amos Cauthorn’s administration of the estate of John Cauthorn, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 415.]
On 17 April 1826, Amos Cauthorn and James Cauthorn were bound in the penalty of $500 for Amos Cauthorn’s administration of the estate of Thomas Gordon, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 381.]
On 8 May 1834, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Casey Greenwood was made by Amos Cauthorn, J. H. Smith, and Chas. C. Smith. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 285.]
On 13 June 1836, Amos Cauthorn witnessed the will of Susan Greenwood, and proved the will in court on 16 December 1839. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 481.]
On 27 May 1839, Amos Cauthorn witnessed the will of John Smith, and proved the will in court on 17 February 1840. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 442–444.]
On 17 February 1840, John H. Smith, William Smith and Amos Cauthorn were bound in the penalty of $20,000 for John H. Smith’s executorship of the estate of John Smith, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 444–445.]
On 8 July 1843, a deed of trust was executed between George Taylor and Amos Cauthorn. This Indenture made this 8th day of July in the year one thousand Eight hundred an forty three beetween Geo: Taylor of the County of Essex of the one part and Amos Cauthorn of the second part Witnesseth that the said Geo: Taylor in order the secure William Beazely as secuirity for the some of thirty dollars to B F Jones payable the first day of January 1844 from the said Geo Taylor due by Bond from the said Geo: Taylor and William Beazley security and in consideration of one dollar in hand paid by the Amos Cauthorn at or before the insealsing and delivery of these presants the wright whereof is hereby acknowledg by the said Geo: Taylor hath Granted bargained sold and by the presants do grant Bargain and sell unto the said Amos Cauthorn all my oats crop of corn now growing on the Land of B F Jones to secure the said William security for the said Rent Land the said Amost Cauthorn so soon as Conveneant he can after haveing advertized the place and time of the sail of the of the said Oats and corn before mentioned at some pullick place near the Residence of the said Geo: Taylor for ten days then proseed to sell to the hiest bidder for the best price that can bee obtained in Cash and out of the moneys arising from the sails in the first place to pay and satticefy all Reasonable charges attending such sails and then the debt above mentioned and the residue of the money arising from such sales as afforesaid to the use of the said Geo: Taylor his heirs Exetors &c or to such purson or pursons as he shall appoint writing under his hand and it is hereby covenanted and agreed uppon between the parties to theis presants that as soon as the debt afforesaid shall bee discharged that the above olligation shal be Nul and Voide, and if not paid and discharged by the said Geo: Taylro to remain in full force and Virtue. Given unde our hands and sal this 15 day of July 1843. Signed Geo: Taylor, Amos Cauthorn. Ordered recorded on 17 July 1843. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 84–85.]
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 82A, Dwelling 275, Family 275
Cauthorn, Amos, 60, male, farmer, $7,200 real estate, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, Lucinda, 58, female, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, Lucia, 26, female, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, Martha, 23, female, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, John, 21, male, no occupation, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, Frances, 19, female, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, Octavia, 17, female, born in Virginia
Cauthorn, Lucinda, 16, female, born in Virginia
Gresham, Kiturah, 38, female, born in Virginia
Gresham, Frances, 14, female, born in Virginia