Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameMordecai Spindle
Deathabt 1835
FatherJohn Spindle (-~1805)
Mordicai was mentioned in the 21 January 1803 will of his father, John Spindle, proved on 16 December 1805. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 397–398.]

On 16 December 1805, Lewis Spindle, Philip Spindle, Mordicai Spindle, Theo. Noel, Benjamin H. Munday, Philip Gray, and James Sale were bound in the penalty of $30,000 for Lewis, Philip and Mordicai Spindle’s executorship of the last will and testament of John Spindle deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 399–400.]

I Mordecai Spindle of the County of Essex and State of Virginia being of sound mind do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say — First I give and bequeath to my grand children the children of my son Silas B Spindle decd namely Silas Wilton, Rebecca Sarah, John Erasmus and Archibald Ritchie Spindle the sum of Two thousand seven hundred dollars, also the following negroes which I delivered to my son Silas B Spindle in his lifetime to wit Spencer, Georgeanna, old Amelia, young Amelia, Mary and Tenor with the future increase of the females from the date hereof to them and their heirs forever — I also give to my grand children at the death of my wife negro man Horace to them and their heirs forever — Secondly I will and desire that the land I own which came by my wife be kept and used for the benefit of my estate until the first day of January 1839 at which period I wish the same rented out annually be my executors for the purpose of raising a sum sufficient to pay all the just debts which my son Leonard owed, provided his creditors will agree to receive payment in this way; but in the event of any one or all of them refusing to receive pament in the way I have named above, then I release the land aforesaid from any incumbrance on account of his said Creditors; should any one or all of the Creditors of my said son Leonard sue for their claims and subject the land aforesaid to their payment before it shall have been held and used seven years for the benefit of my estate then and in that event, I wish any number of years which may have fallen short of even to be made up to the same from the said land — after the said land shall have been held and used seven years for the benefit of my estate and rented out a time sufficient to pay the creditors of my said son Leonard should they agree to receive payment in the way I have directed then I lend the same to my grand children Philip S and Marcella Spindle the children of my son Leonard for and during their natural lives and at their deaths I give the same to their children and their heirs forever — but in the event of my said Grand Children dying without lawful heirs of their body then and in that event I wish the said land to return to my estate and be equally divided among all my children who may survive this event, or the heirs of such who may have died leaving such to them and their heirs forever — Thirdly I lend to my daughter Mary B Spindle for and during her natural life the land I bought of Edmund F Noel together with a small piece I purchased of Mrs Fanny Spindle supposed to contains ten acres, commencing at a small red oak a corner to Rouzee and running a south or southwest course to a maple a corner to the land loaned my son Leonards children and at her death I give the same to her children and their heirs forever — I give to my said daughter Mary B Spindle and her heirs forever the following negroes named Reuben Davy young Ben, Judy, Mariah, Armistead Daingerfield Roy and Muscoe with the future increase of the females, reserving however to my wife during her natural life the use and control of negro man Reuben — I also give to my daughter Mary the sum of seven hundred and thirty dollars and one bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever — Fourthly I lend to my daughter Sally J Ritchie for and during her natural life the land I bought of Mrs Fanny Spindle supposed to contain ten acres or thereabouts and a small piece sold Richard Rouzee supposed to contain three fourths of an acre, the same land loaned my daughter Sally J Ritchie supposed to contain Four hundred acres and at her death I give the same to her heirs lawfully begotten of her body to them and their heirs forever — I also give to my said daughter Sally seven negroes namely Toler, Cook, John Cornelius Dicy Nancy and Frances with the future increase of the females and one feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever reserving however to my beloved wife during her natural life the use and control of negro man Toler. Fifthly I lend to my beloved wife Sally Spindle for and during her natural life the plantation bequeathed to me by my father which he purchased of Philip Henshaw and a piece of land I purchased of Thos Pitts in and all one thousand and seventy acres be the same more or less and eleven negroes namely Bill, Kenny, Moses, Joseph, Grace, Rachel Edy, Rinder, Lucy, Emily and Betsy all my household furniture except four beds and furniture my Kitchen furniture, two looms, my plantation utensils, blacksmiths tools, one still first choice, one grind stone, two Carts first choice, one gun, one top gig and harness, five horses first choice three yoke of oxen first choice, six cows first choice, twenty sheep first choice, twenty four hogs first choice and all my hogsheads casks and Tubs, also a sufficient quantity of Corn wheat and bacon to serve the family until another crop can be made upon Condition that she educate and support my two youngest sons Paul and James Spindle; at her death I wish all the personal property loaned her for life with the increase of the female slaves and stock to be equaly divided between my sons Paul and James Spindle in kind or otherways as my executors may think most to conduce to their interest, I also will and desire that the tract of land loaned my wife for live [sic] containing One thousand and seventy acres and six poles by a late survey made by Richard Rouzee be divided between my sons Paul and James Spindle as follows to commence at a gate near John Thomas’ and run thence N4-1/2 W102 poles to a branch thence up and with the meanders of said brand 163-1/4 poles to an oak stump near a gate thence N46-1/2 W137 to a red oak near a branch thence N21 W 9 poles, thence N58 W43 poles to a red oak on the road leading to Loretto thereby cutting off to Lot No. 1 on which the house stands four hundred and sixty eight acres and to lot No. 2 six hundred and two acres as may be seen by reference to … said Plat — In the event of the death of either of my sons Paul or James before they attain the age of twenty one years or marry I wish the Survivor to have choice of the two lots above named directed to be divided between them — Sixthly Whatever may remain of any Crop of Corn wheat fodder &c and bacon after supporting my wife and family the year of my decease until she can make a crop I wish applied to the payment of my debts and any balance which may remain after paying the same I will and desire may be equally divided between my following children namely Mary B, Sally J, Mordecai L, Fanny N, Paul and James Spindle to them and their heirs forever — Seventhly — I give to my son Mordecai L Spindle and his heirs Two thousand five hundred dollars and ten negroes namely Bartlet, Washington Lindsay, William, Phillis, Cate, Charles, John and Henry and Sarah reserving however to my beloved wife Sally Spindle during her natural life the use and control of negro man Barlet — Eighthly — I give to my daughter Fanny N Spindle and to her heirs forever two thousand five hundred dollars also six negroes named Augustine, Dorcas Suckey Dick Nelly and Major — Ninthly all the rest and residue of my estate not already devised I will and desire shall be equally divided among my following children namely Mary B, Sally J, Mordecai L Fanny N Paul and James Spindle to them and their heirs forever — Tenthly — I lend to my beloved wife Sally Spindle during her life negro man Horace and at her death I give the same to the children of my son Silas B Spindle decd to them and their heirs forever — Lastly I constitute and appoint my beloved wife Sally Spindle executrix and my son Mordecai L Spindle Executor to this my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 28 day of February 1834.
Mordecai Spindle
Witnesses: Richard Rouzee, Walter Bowie, Barbee Spindle.
Codicil with additional clarifications.
On 15 December 1834, proved by the oaths of Richard Rouzee and Barbee Spindle.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 304–306.]

On 17 October 1836, a certificate was granted Sally Spindle, the nominal executrix in the will of Mordecai Spindle, deceased, in order to her obtaining probate, she having entered into a bond of $70,000 with William F. Games, Barbee Spindle and Mordecai L Spindle her securities. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 306.]

On 17 October 1836, Sally Spindle, William F Games, Barbee Spindle and Mordecai L Spindle were bound in the penalty of $70,000 for Sally Spindle’s execution of the will of Mordecai Spindle, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 71.]

On 25 October 1836, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Mordecai Spindle was made by John G Bentley, Jas Andrews, and William Gray. Includes Horace, Moses, Fanny, Bill, Joseph, Grace, Rachel, Marinder[?], Ben[?], Lucy and child Ellen, Emily, Betsey, Reuben, David, Benjamin, Armstead, Maria, Judy and 3 children Daingerfield Roy & Muse[?], Toler, Cook, John, Cornelius, Dice, Nancy, Frances, Bartlett, Washington, Linsey, Katy[?], William, Charles, John, Henry, Philis Sarah & Silas, Augustin, Dick, Dorcas, Nelly, and Sucky, Major & Martha. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 114–115.]

The estate of Mordecai Spindle, deceased, in account with Sally Spindle, executrix, for 1837 was ordered recorded on 19 June 1837. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 134–135.]

On 1 January 1837, a division of the estate of Mordecai Spindle was made, and ordered recorded on 19 June 1837. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 136–137.]
Death9 May 1848
ChildrenLeonard S. (-~1832)
 Mary B. (1807-1873)
 Silas B. (-~1832)
 Mordecai L. (~1809-1857)
 Sallie J. (~1811-1874)
 Paul (~1820-1891)
 James (~1822-1873)
Last Modified 27 Apr 2022Created 11 Dec 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
Last updated 11 December 2023
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