NameJohn Spindle
Deathabt Dec 1805
The will of John Spindle was dated 21 January 1803. Son Lewis. Grandchildren William, Martha, Burton, and Mary Gray, children of my daughter Ann Gray deceased. Beloved wife. Son Barbee. Land I purcheased of Francis Barbee. Son Mordicai. Son Philip. Four sons to be executors. Signed John Spindle. Witnesses: Tho: Hill, Tk Noel, Wm. Hill, Ben H Munday. Presented in court on 16 December 1805. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 397–398.]
On 16 December 1805, Barbee Spindle, John Jones and William Fisher were bound in the penalty of $30,000 for Barbee Spindle’s executorship of the last will and testament of John Spindle deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, page 399.]
On 16 December 1805, Lewis Spindle, Philip Spindle, Mordicai Spindle, Theo. Noel, Benjamin H. Munday, Philip Gray, and James Sale were bound in the penalty of $30,000 for Lewis, Philip and Mordicai Spindle’s executorship of the last will and testament of John Spindle deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 399–400.]
On 7 January 1807, sales of the estate of John Spindle were made and were ordered recorded on 15 October 1810. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 222–228.]
The estate of John Spindle deceased in account with Lewis, Barbee, Philip and Mordecai Spindle from 1805 to 1806 was returned and ordered recorded on 15 October 1810. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 229–230.]
On 17 September 1810, T. Pitts, James Hunter, Edwd Rowzee and Robt P. Waring completed an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Spindle pursuant to an order of court dated 16 December 1805. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 220–222.]