Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameJosiah Waller Fisher
FatherWilliam Fisher (1762-1824)
MotherAnn Jones (-~1832)
Josiah Waller Fisher was mentioned in the 18 May 1824 will of his father, William Fisher, proved 17 January 1825. “I give to my son Josiah Waller Fisher the plantation I live on also the following negroes & there future increas Moose[?], Abream, Aaron, Annica, Scholena, John, Fanny, Henry (son of George & Hannah) Bowin[?] Caroline, I also give him the still, one bed & furniture, [illegible] mare, young bay mare [illegible], one cart & 1 young yoake of oxen six sheep three cows & one fourth of the hogs on this plantation … My four children named in this will to wit Sukey, Rebecca, William & Waller are all to give there mother forty dollars a pease yearly as long as she lives, she must have gigg & horse, & bed & furniture should she want them—, all the rest of my estate not named in this will I wish sold to help pay my debts should it be insufficient then my will is that my four children Sukey, Rebecca, William & Waller may pay equally untill all just debts are paid of lastly I appoint my executors Richard Motley, Benja H Munday jr., William Fisher & Josiah Waller Fisher —”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 100–101.]

Josiah W Fisher was mentioned in the 29 May 1827 will of his grandmother, Frances Jones, proved 21 September 1829. He was named an executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 26.]

On 21 September 1829, William Fisher renounced his right of executorship of the estate of Frances Jones, whereupon on the motion of Josiah W Fisher, the other nominal exeuctor, a certicate was granted him in order to his obtaining probate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 26.]

On 21 September 1829, Josiah W Fisher and William Fisher were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Josiah W Fisher’s executorship of the estate of Frances Jones, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 27.]
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Last updated 11 December 2023
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