Deathabt May 1833
Clara was mentioned in the 11 March 1825 will of her husband, William Garrett, proved 15 August 1825. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 219–220.]
On 15 August 1825, Clara Garrett, Thomas M. Henley, and Leonard Sale were bound in the penalty of $10,000 for Clara Garrett’s execution of the last will and testament of William Garrett, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 221.]
On 30 November 1825, a division of slaves from the estate of William Garrett were made into three lots by David W. Pitts, Ben: H Munday and Richard Rowzee per stipulation in the decedant’s will. “Lot No 1 was drawn by Henry Garrett; Lot No 2 was drawn by Scynthia Croxton and Lot No 3 was drawn by Silas S Garrett; Lot No 3 has negro boy Robert assigned to it estimated at nothing in consequence of his vision at this time being very imperfect; and a probability of an entire privation of sight, under these circumstances, we have directed that lots No 1 & 2 shall pay annually to lot No 3 one third part of each of a sum which shall be sufficient to support said boy untill it shall be ascertained, whether he will recover his sight, at which time (should he ever do so) lot No 3 will have to account with lots Nos 1 & 2 for two third parts of the valuation of said boy in equal proportions, but in the event of his never becoming valuable, the said lots No 1 & 2 will have to continue their annual appropriations to lot No 3 as above directed so long as he shall live…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 295–296.]
The estate of William Garrett, deceased, in account with Clara Garrett, adminsitratrix, from 1825 to 1828 was settled on 20 May 1828 by D: W: Pitts, Leod. Sale, and Richard Rowzee. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 275–276.]
On 20 May 1833, on the motion of Richard H Garrett a certificate was granted him in order to his obtaining letters of administration of all the goods chattels and credits and real Estate of William Garrrett decd (unadministered by Clara Garrett decd.) with the last Will and Testament of the said William Garrett decd annexed. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 94.]
On 20 May 1833, Richard H Garrett and Benjamin H Munday were bound $400 for Richard H Garrett’s administration of the estate of Clara Garrett, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 95.]
On 12 September 1833, David Pitts, Leonard P Sale, and Richard Faver inventoried and appraised the estate of Clara Garrett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 248.]
The estate of Clara Garrett in account with Richard H. Garrett, administrator, from 1833 to 1834 was ordered recorded on 18 May 1835. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pags 352–353.]