NameCynthia Ann Garrett 
Scynthia Ann Croxton was mentioned in the 11 March 1825 will of her father, William Garrett, proved 15 August 1825. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 219–220.]
On 30 November 1825, a division of slaves from the estate of William Garrett were made into three lots by David W. Pitts, Ben: H Munday and Richard Rowzee per stipulation in the decedant’s will. “Lot No 1 was drawn by Henry Garrett; Lot No 2 was drawn by Scynthia Croxton and Lot No 3 was drawn by Silas S Garrett; Lot No 3 has negro boy Robert assigned to it estimated at nothing in consequence of his vision at this time being very imperfect; and a probability of an entire privation of sight, under these circumstances, we have directed that lots No 1 & 2 shall pay annually to lot No 3 one third part of each of a sum which shall be sufficient to support said boy untill it shall be ascertained, whether he will recover his sight, at which time (should he ever do so) lot No 3 will have to account with lots Nos 1 & 2 for two third parts of the valuation of said boy in equal proportions, but in the event of his never becoming valuable, the said lots No 1 & 2 will have to continue their annual appropriations to lot No 3 as above directed so long as he shall live…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 295–296.]
On 26 March 1826, Cynthia Croxton, Larkin Noel and David Pitts were bound in the penalty of $1,200 for Cynthia Croxton’s administration of the estate of Robert Croxton. (Signed Cynthia A. Croxton.) [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 348.]
On 6 May 1826, sales of the estate of Robert Croxton, deceased, were made by Cynthia A. Croxton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 394–397.]
The estate of Robert Croxton, deceased, from 1826 to 1835 in account with Cynthia A. Croxton, administratrix, was ordered recorded on 21 December 1835. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 428–30.]