Elizabeth Brown was mentioned (but not named) in the 29 June 1818 will of her husband Edward B. Brown, proved 16 November 1818. Brother Lewis Brown to be exeuctor with my wife executrix. On 16 November 1818, Elizabeth Brown the widow renounced her right of executrixship. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 12–13.]
On 11 October 1826, Elizabeth Brown, relict of Edward Brown, provided a deposition concerning Elizabeth Brown, relict of Daniel Brown, who was examined concerning her state of mind and was ordered sent to the public hospital for the maintenance and cure of persons of unsound mind in the City of Williamsburg. “The deposition of Elizabeth Brown relict of Edward Brown decd taken before us in the same care and at the same time and place as the above deposition of Larkin Noel — The deponent being first duly sworn saith that the said Elizabeth Brown has been for many months in a state of mental derangement and frequently talks of killing herself and her children this she said to the deponent a few days ago and said she would also kill her if she would come to her and this deponent further states that she frequently siezes hold on any thing that happens to be in her way and endeavors to tear it in pieces, though at other times she has had intervals and converses quite rationally on most subjects & further this deponent sayeth not —” Signed Elizabeth Browne. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 30–31.]