NameSamuel Davis 
Birth20 Feb 1822, Hague, Westmoreland County, Virginia
ResidenceWestmoreland and Essex Counties, Virginia
Death14 Feb 1892, Essex County, Virginia
Burial15 Feb 1892, Dunnsville, Essex County, Virginia
Cause of deathInfluenza
Birth and death dates from a family Bible, which states that at death he was 69 years 11 months and 24 days old.
1830 U.S. Census, Westmoreland County, Virginia:
Davis, Samuel
1 male 5-under 10 [Samuel Davis]
1 male 10-under 15 [Joseph William Luttrell Davis]
1 male 40-under 50 [Samuel Davis]
1 female 40-under 50 [Fanny Davis]
Total 4 people
1840 U.S. Census, Westmoreland County, Virginia:
Davis, Saml S.
1 male 10-under 15 [Samuel Davis]
1 male 50-under 60 [Samuel Davis]
1 female 40-under 50 [Fanny Davis]
Free colored persons:
1 male under 10 [Ferdinado Figgett]
2 females 10-under 24 [Mary Figgett, Margaret Figgett]
Total 6 people
0 employed in agriculture, 2 in manufacture and trade
1850 U.S. Census, Westmoreland County, Virginia:
Dwelling 423, Household 423
Saml Davis, 60, male, stone mason, $200 real estate, born in Virginia
Mary Figgett, 30 female, mulatto, born in Virginia
Ferdinado Figgett, 12, male, mulatto, born in Virginia
Margaret Figgett, 10, female, mulatto, born in Virginia
Dwelling 424, Household 424
Joseph Davis, 32, male, farmer, born in Virginia
Ann E. Davis, 25, female, born in Virginia
Warren H. Davis, 3, male, born in Virginia
Dandrige D. Davis, 1, male, born in Virginia
Samuel Davis, 28, male, born in Virginia
Fanny Davis, 60, female, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
On 27 October 1856, Samuel Davis was listed among those to maintain a road. “The following hands are assigned to work on the road over which E. Eliason is surveyor to wit, Newton G. Beado[?], Jas. Hennage[?], the hands of Danl. Porter, Richard Brown Danl. Marmaduke, Merideth Brown, John McNiel, Thos. A. Mason, Saml. Coleman, L. E. Sandford, Saml. Davis, S. B. Atwell, Uriah Balderson Danl. Baulderson, Richd. Quesenberry, Hiram Jenkins & James Bryant —“ [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Court Orders 1854–60, page 178.]
On 27 April 1857, Samuel Davis was paid $8.40 for shoes by the estate of Sally M. Sandford, deceased, in account with Lucius C. Sandford and Albert Sandford, administrators. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Records and Inventories 23, pages 64–65.]
On 24 May 1858, Samuel Davis was paid 75 cents for service during the present term of the court as a venueman in prosecutions for misdeameanors. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Order Book 1854–60, page 310.]
1860 U.S. Census for Essex County, Virginia:
Dwelling number 460, family number 448
Samuel Davis, 38, male, Shoe maker [sic], real estate $0, personal estate $600. [He lives alone.]
Samuel Davis served in the Confederate Army, in Company F, 9th Virginia Cavalry, which was formed by the addition of two independent companies, serving in the field as Lee’s Squadron, to the 1st Battalion Virginia Cavalry, also called Lee’s Legion. He enlisted as a private, age 39, on 10 June 1861 in Tappahannock, for a period of 12 months. He was discharged on 21 May 1862. In October 1862 he was at home sick in Dunnsville for a few days. Francis C. Dunn Davis had told Pearl Irene Davis Kopp that Samuel Davis had served in the Confederate army.
A petition for the discharge of Samuel Davis from the Essex Cavalry was made by Capt. Geo. T. Wright on 5 December 1861, but the original petition is apparently lost. It was indexed on National Archives microfilm #346, roll 231, with the microfilm of the document being on A&IGO-978-W-1861, but the original, like many in the sequence on that roll, is lost.
Samuel Davis may have also served in the 55th Virginia Infantry: Davis, Samuel: Conscript, assigned to Co. G, 10/1/64. Deserted to the enemy’s Army of the James, 2/17/65. Took the Oath, 2/21/65, and was furnished with transportation to Maryland. [Richard O’Sullivan, 55th Virginia Infantry (Lynchburg, Virginia: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1989), 117.]
On 20 November 1869 a deed was made between “Thomas Croxton and Muscoe Garnett Commissioners acting under two decrees of the Circuit Court of Essex County in the Case of Dillard Surviving partner &c vs. Boughton sheriff &c the first on the day of August 1869 and the other on the 16th day of November 1869 of the first part and Samuel Davis of the second…” Samuel Davis purchased for $500 the land of which Theoderick W. Gatewood died seized and possessed. This is land “containing Seventy six acres more or less (the same being in gross and not by the acre) adjoining and bounded by the lands of Muscoe Garnett, Samuel Dunn, W. F. Seward and others, and the main county road leading from Dunnsville to Centre Cross.” Dated 20 November 1869. Signed Th: Croxton, Muscoe Garnett. Recorded 30 November 1869. The signature of Samuel Davis is in the margin. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 52, pages 233-234.]
1870 U.S. Census for Essex County, Virginia:
Dwelling 1623, Family 1623
Davis, Samuel, 49, boot and shoe maker, $500 real estate, $125 personal estate, born in Virginia
Davis, Francis, 28, keeping house, born in Virginia
Davis, Madison, 6, at home, born in Virginia
Davis, Warren, 4, at home, born in Virginia
Davis, Cora, 2, at home, born in Virginia
In 1872, J W L Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. A note says “Restored to the books”. The land does not appear in their names prior to this date. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1870–1873.]
On 11 June 1873, an appraisal of the personal property of Lewis Carlton deceased was made by S. W. Y. Muse, a Samuel Davis and Reubin B. Boughton, Jr. Total $100.47. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 29, pages 379–380.]
In 1873, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1870–1873.]
Samuel Davis lived in Dunnsville in 1873, at the time of Joseph’s birth. At that time he was a shoemaker.
In 1874, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1874–1879.]
In 1875, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1874–1879.]
In 1876, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1874–1879.]
In 1877, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1874–1879.]
In 1878, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1874–1879.]
In 1879, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1874–1879.]
1880 U.S. Census for Essex County, Virginia:
Dwelling 256, Family 256, Chapel Grove election precinct
Davis, Saml, white, male, 58, married, cordwainer
Davis, Frances C., white female, 41, wife, married, keeping house
Davis, Maddison, white, male, 16, son, single, works on farm
Davis, Warren, white, male, 14, son, single, works on farm, in school
Davis, Cora, white, female, 12, daughter, single, at home, in school
Davis, Robt S., white, male, 9, son, single, at home, in school
Davis, Joe, white, male, 7, son, single, at home, in school
Davis, E. E., white, male, 4, son, single, at home
Davis, Cecilia, white, female, 2, daughter, at home
Everyone was born in Virginia. E. E. and Cecilia are unable to read; E. E., Cecilia, Joe and Robert are unable to write.
1880 U.S. Census for Essex County, Virginia, Manufacturing Schedule:
Davis, Saml., Boot & Shoe Maker, $75 capital, average of 10 hours per day of labor May to November, average 10 hours per day of labor November to May, in operation 12 months, value of materials $50, value of product $500
In 1880, J W L Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1880–1884.]
In 1881, J W L Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1880–1884.]
In 1882, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1880–1884.]
In 1883, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles northeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1880–1884.]
In 1884, Jos W L Davis and Saml. Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 5 miles east, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1880–1884.]
In 1885, Jos. W. L. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1885–1889.]
In 1886, Jos. W. L. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1885–1889.]
In 1887, Jos W. L. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1885–1889.]
In 1888, J. W. L. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1885–1889.]
In 1889, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1885–1889.]
In 1890, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1890–1892.]
In 1891, J. W. L. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1890–1892.]
On 12 February 1892, Samuel Davis died in Essex County, Virginia, of “Grippe”, aged 72. He was born in Essex County [all entries for 1892 state that], occupation farmer and husband. [Essex County, Virginia, Death Register, page 36.] This date conflicts with that in the Davis family Bible.
An obituary in the “Dunnsville Items” column of the Northern Neck News read: Mr. Samuel Davis, one of our old and worthy citizens, died Sunday of la grippe, and was buried at his home Monday evening. Mr. Davis moved to this neighborhood from Westmoreland when a young man some time before the war. He was always an honest, hard working citizen. He leaves and wife and children. [Northern Neck News, Warsaw, Virginia, Volume 13 Number 40, Friday, February 19, 1892.]
In 1892, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1890–1892.]
On 24 May 1894, a deed was executed from Robert Hutchinson to C. P. Taylor. Whereas Madison Davis by a deed dated 14 October 1892 conveyed to Robt Hutchinson the interest of the said Madison Davis in the real estate which his father Samuel Davis died seized and possessed also his one fourth interest in the real estate of which Samuel Dunn died seized and possessed in trust to secure the payment of bonds due to C. P. Taylor, and whereas Robert Hutchinson sold the land on 21 August 1893, and where as C. P. Taylor became the purchaser at $25, therefore this deed made 24 May 1894 between Robt Hutchinson of the first part and C. P. Taylor of the second part. By virtue of a deed of trust found in Deed Book 57, page 13, Robt Hutchinson doth grant the interest of which Madison Davis died [sic] seized and possessed in the real estate of his father Samuel Davis and in the real estate of Samuel Dunn. Signed Robt Hutchinson. Ordered recorded 28 May 1894. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 57, page 364.]
In 1895, land in Essex County, Virginia formerly charged to the estate of Saml Davis for tax was charged to C P Taylor. “Conveyed by Ro Hutchenson Turstee deed Recorded May 28 1894 is Saml Davis lands and contains 66-5/6 A by recent Survey.” [Essex County, Virginia, 1895 Land Tax Book.]
In 1897, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1897–1899.]
In 1898, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1897–1899.]
In 1899, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of Jas R Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1897–1899.]
In 1900, J. W. L. Davis and Samuel Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles southeast, adjacent land of J. R. Courtney. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1900–1902.]
In 1901, J. W. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles east. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1901.]
In 1902, J. W. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles east. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1902.]
In 1903, J W Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles east. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1903.]
In 1904, J. W. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles east. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1904.]
In 1905, J. W. Davis and Saml Davis were taxed for 8-1/2 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles east. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1905.]
In 1906, W W Palmer taxed for 8-3/4 acres in Montross District, Westmoreland County, bearing from the courthouse 4 miles east, adjacent land of the estate of R. R. Courtney. A note states “from J W & Saml Davis”. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Land Book 1906.]
Birth27 Jan 1842, Essex County, Virginia
Death12 Jul 1914
Marriage2 Jan 1862, Essex County, Virginia