NameFrances Howerton 
Birthabt 1780/1800, Virginia
Death20 Apr 1845
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
William Irving Brooks, in a letter of 29 March 1993 to Thomas Moore, gives her full name as Frances Ann Howerton.
“John Boughan and Frances his wife who was Frances Howerton was maried the 19 day of Novemmber 1812” [Boughan family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24166]
On 27 May 1824 Lewis Howerton and Elizabeth, his wife; John Boughan and Francis, his wife; John Boughton and Ann, his wife; Elizabeth Howerton; and Charles Howerton sell property to John Dunn. This property was received from their late father, Charles Howerton, who died intestate. His only children, according to the deed: Lewis Howerton, Frances Boughan, Ann Boughton, Elizabeth Howerton, Charlotte Howerton, and Heritage Howerton. All parties signed. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, page 272.]
1830 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Written page 121
Boughan, John
1 male under 5 [this could be John T. Boughan]
1 male 5-10
1 male 20-30
1 male 40-50 [this would be John Boughan]
1 female under 5 [this could be his daughter Elizabeth]
1 female 5-10 [this could be his daughter Elizabeth]
1 female 15-20 [this would be his daughter Lucy]
2 females 20-30 [could be Frances, Lucy, or Elizabeth]
2 females 40-50 [could be Frances, Lucy, or Elizabeth]
23 slaves lived with this family.
Frances Boughan was mentioned in the 18 September 1834 will of her sister Elizabeth Howerton. Frances was to have Mary and her increase during her life and was named executrix of the will. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 298–299.]
On 15 December 1834, the execution of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Howerton was renounced by Frances Boughan. A certificate of probate was granted to John Boughan with Richard Shearwood his security. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 298–299.]
On 4 April 1837, sales of the estate of John Boughan were made, with purchases by Mrs John Boughan, Richd Sherwood, Thos Boughan, Jas Croxton, Thos N Clarke, H H Boughan, Lucy Boughan, William Bezley, Robert Brooks, Mrs Minter, Dr J Miner, Frank Coleman, Jas Semple, Jas Phillips, John Rouzee, Jos Wilmore, Robert Moody, Mrs Frances Boughan, Ro: G Haile, Charlott Howerton, Susan Jones, and John Coleman. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 118–119.]
On 17 February 1838 and 31 January 1839, accounts of the estate of John Crow mentioned a midwife’s fee paid (interest payments) to Frances Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-43.]
Essex County to wit
Inquisition indented taken at the house of Mrs. Frances Boughan’s in the County aforesaid the 22 day of July 1839 before me Thomas Wright one of the Coroners of the Commonwealth for the County aforesaid, upon the view of the body of an infant male Child then and there lying dead and upon the oaths of Jas. Semple, Muscoe G Wood, John H Smither, John Bird, William Wright, William S Croxton, Thomas Harper, George Rose, Lewis D Brookes Was H Purkins, George M Trible & William F Burnett good and lawful men of the County aforesaid who being sworn and charged to inquire on the part of the said Commonwealth, when where how and after what manner the said infant male Child came to his death, do say upon their oath, that one negro girl Mary the property of Lucy Boughan of the parish of Southfarnham of the County aforesaid not having God before her eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil on Sunday the 21st day of July in the year aforesaid with force and arms on the land of Washington H Purkins in the County aforesaid in and upon the aforesaid infant, then and there being in — — — the peace of God and of the said Commonwealth feloniously, voluntarily and of malice aforethought made an assault, and that the aforesaid Mary, then and there in a Certain stream did suffocate n [sic] drown of which the aforesaid infant then and there instantly died, and so the said Mary then and there feloniously killed and murdered the said infant against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth — In Witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, here to this inquisition put their seals on the day and year aforesaid and at the place aforesaid [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 399.]
1840 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Written page number 7
Boughan, Frances
1 male age 10-15 [this would be John T. Boughan]
1 male age 15-20
1 male age 20-30
1 female age under 5 [this could be Elizabeth C. Boughan]
1 female age 10-15
1 female age 15-20
1 female age 40-50 [this could be Frances Howerton Boughan or Lucy Boughan]
2 females age 50-60 [one of these could be Frances Howerton Boughan, one could by Lucy Boughan]
In the 1840 census, she owned 21 slaves. 7 persons in the family were engaged in agriculture.
On 17 November 1841, Lucy Boughan, Catharine Minter, Frances Boughan widow of John Boughan deceased, Richard Shearwood and Lucy M his wife, Frances Ann Boughan, Charles Lewis Boughan, Cary Caston Boughan, John Boughan, Catharine Boughan, Henry Caston Boughan and John Thomas Boughan, the ten first named persons of the County of Essex, and the two last named children of the late Thomas Boughan deceased and residents of the County of Buckingham, all of the first part, sold to Thomas Boughan, Caston Boughan, Silas Connelley and Elizabeth his wife, all of the County of Essex, of the second part. For $120 paid by Gabriel Boughan deceased, the father of the parties of the second part, in part of the sum aforesaid and the balance in full paid by the said parties of the second part, a tract of land situate and lying in Southfarnham parish Essex containing Twenty four acres by actual survey and bounded by the lands of Jno H Upshaw deceased, John A Parker, James Croxton, and the lands of Gabriel Boughan deceased, as will more fully appear by reference to the division plot of the lands of the late Major Boughan deceased made about the year 1818, it being the lot of parcel of land allotted in said division to Caston Boughan who has since died intestate and the parties of the first part are his lawful heirs and distributees. Signed Lucy Boughan, Catharine Minter, Frances Boughan, Richard Shearwood, Lucy Munday Shearwood, Frances A Boughan, Charles L Boughan. On 17 November 1841, Lucy M Shearwood and Miss Lucy Boughan acknowledged this to be same to be their act. On 17 July 1843, with the acknowledgment of Lucy M Shearwood the wife of Richard Shearwood, ordered to be recorded. On 6 September 1843, Catharine Minter acknowledged the same to be her act. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 76–78.]
On 20 April 1843, George W. Purkins of the County of Essex sold to Frances Boughan of the same. Whereas by decree dated the 21 June 1841 in the cause between Richard H. Shearwood plaintiff and Frances Boughan and others defendants there was decreed a sale of land at six months credit, and whereas George W. Purkins did sell 40 acres, more or less, bounded by the lands of Washington H. Purkins and others, and whereas Frances Boughan was the highest bidder at $205, this deed from George W. Purkins to Frances Boughan. Signed George W Purkins. Witnesses: Thos Croxton, Saml Jas Cumming. Ordered recorded 20 May 1843. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 35–36.]
On 20 April 1843, Frances Boughan of the County of Essex sold to Charles Lewis Boughan, Frances Ann Boughan, Lucy M. Shearwood, Cary Caston Boughan, John Thomas Boughan and Catharine Boughan, children of the said Frances Boughan. For natural love and affection and $5, land bounded by Washington H. Purkins and James Croxton, being land of which John Boughan died seized and possessed. Signed Frances Boughan. Witnesses: G. W. Purkins, Thos Croxton, Jas M Matthews. Ordered recorded 29 April 1843. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 37–38.]
On 15 May 1843 Frances Boughan was chosen as guardian by Carey C. Boughan and John T. Boughan, and was appointed guardian of Elizabeth C. Boughan. This would imply that Elizabeth was the youngest of the three children, not old enough to choose her guardian. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 7]
On 1 January 1845, Richard Shearwood of the County of Essex sold to Charles L. Boughan. For $200, right and title in the estate of Elizabeth Howerton deceased and which is now in the possession of Frances Boughan. Signed Richard Shearwood. Witness: ZMP Carter. Ordered recorded 13 March 1845. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, page 361.]
On 17 March 1845, a chancery case was concluded concerning the division of the lands of Elizabeth and Lucy Boughan, deceased. Plaintiffs were Thomas Boughan; Caston Boughan; Silas Conly [sic] & Elizabeth A. his wife who was Elizabeth A. Boughan and daughter of Gabriel Boughan, deceased; Richard H. Shearwood and Lucy M. his wife who was Lucy M. Boughan, daughter of John Boughan deceased; Ephraim Beazley and Frances A. his wife who was Frances A. Boughan and daughter of John Boughan; Charles L. Boughan; Cary C. Boughan; John T. Boughan; Catharine Boughan; the last three infants of John Boughan by Frances Boughan their next friend; Henry C. Boughan son of Thomas Boughan deceased; John Thomas Boughan infant by Washington H. Purkins his next friend, against Catharine Minter. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 50, pages 458–459.]
“Frances Boughan who was Frances Howerton departed This life April 20th 1845.” [Boughan family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24166]
On 21 July 1845, Zebulon M P Carter, Richard J. Muse, William R. Purkins and Charles L. Boughan were bound $500 for Zebulon M P Carter’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Frances Howerton, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 25, pages 412–413.]
She is listed as Lucy’s mother in Lucy’s death record. She is listed as Elizabeth’s mother in Elizabeth’s marriage record (as bondsman).
Birth31 Mar 1786, Virginia
Death10 Jan 1837