NameMichael Leonhardt Kopp 
Birth16 Jan 1816, Happurg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
Baptism20 Jan 1816, Happurg, Mittelfranken, Bavaria
ResidenceBavaria; Baltimore, Maryland
Death19 Dec 1892, Baltimore, Maryland
Burial21 Dec 1892, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland
OccupationWood sawyer
Cause of deathCerebral hemorrhage
Name and birth date from family Bible.
In May 1832, a Michael Kopp, born in Nufringen, district of Herrenberg, applied for emigration with a destination of North America. He was 16 years of age. [Wuerttemberg Emigration Index, Volume 3, page 113.]
On 23 May 1850, Michael Kopp purchased property on Eastern Avenue in Baltimore City, Maryland, from William Davy and Annie Davy:
This Indenture made this twenty third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty between William Davy and Alma [sic] Davy his wife of the City and County of Baltimore in the State of Maryland of the first part and Michael Kopp of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said William Davy and Annie [sic] Davy his Wife in Consideration of the payment of the rent and performance of the Covenants Conditions and agreements hereafter mentioned on the part of the said Michael Kopp his heirs executors administrators and assigns to be paid and performed has demised granted and Leased and by these presents do demise grant and lease unto the said Michael Kopp his executors administrators and assigns All that piece or parcel of ground situate and lying in the City of Baltimore and described as follows that is to say Beginning for the Same on the north side of Eastern Avenue (formerly called Wilk Street[)] at a point Fifteen feet Westerly from the South West corner of the Brick house now occupied by Mrs. Keitley which part of Beginning is about ninety feet Easterly from Bond Street and running thence Westerly binding on Wilkes Street now called Eastern Avenue fifteen feet thence, northerly parallel to Bond Street fifty nine and a half feet thence Easterly parallel to Eastern Avenue seven feet and nine inches more or less to the given line of Maunterys Neck and then binding on said line reversely north twenty and a half degrees East Seventeen and a half feet to a line drawn northerly parallel to Bond Street from the place of Beginning and then binding on said line reversely Southerly about Seventy five feet to the place of Beginning Together With all and improvements there on made lanes alleys ways waters privileges easements emoluments and advantages to the said piece or parcel of ground belonging or in any wise appertaining To Have and To Hold the said described piece or parcel of ground and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Michael Kopp his executors administrators and assigns from the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during and until the end of the term of ninety nine years thence next ensuing fully to the complete Yeilding [sic] and Paying therefor to the said William Davy his heirs assigns the yearly rent of twenty two dollars and fifty cents accuring from the fourth day of July next and payable thereafter in half yearly installments of Eleven Dollars and twenty five cents each on the fourth day of January and July respectively in each and every year during the Continuance of this demise and that free and clear direction for taxes and assessments of every kind and nature whatever that are or may be levied charged or assessed on the said demised premises or the rent issuing therefrom and if it shall happen that the said yearly rent or any part thereof shall be in arrears and unpaid by the space of sixty days next after the time on which the same is above reserved to be paid then it shall be lawful for the said William Davy his heirs or assigns into the said demised premises or any part thereof in the same of the whole to enter and the same to have again and reposess as in his or their former Estate until all such arrearages of rent with legal interest therefor and all and every last cost charge and expense incurred by reason of such nonpayment shall be fully satisfied and paid or make distress for the said rent at the option of the said William Day [sic] his heirs or assigns immediately after the same shall become due And Also if the said yearly rent or any part thereof shall be in arrear and unpaid by the space of six months next after the time in which the same is above reserved to be paid then it shall be lawful for the said William Davy his heirs or assigns in the said demised premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole to reenter and the same to have again and to reposess as in his or their former Estate and then this Indenture and every matter and thing herein shall be utterly void and of no effect and the said Michael Kopp for himself his heirs executors administrators and assigns doth covenant with the said William Davy his heirs or assigns well and truly to pay the above reserved yearly rent in manner and at the time above limited for the payment of the same and also to pay all taxes assessments and public dues [?] whatever as aforesaid to the Collectors thereof when required and said William Day [sic] for himself his heir executors administrators and assigns doth hereby covenant with the said Michael Kopp his executors administrators and assigns that the said Michael Kopp his executors administrators on the payment of the rent due per finance of the Covenants herein mentioned and levied on the part of the said Michael Kopp his heirs Executors administrators and assigns to be paid and performed may peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the above described premises with the appurtenances for the time hereby demised with out interruption from the said William Davy or any person or persons claiming under him and also that the said William Davy his heirs or assigns at anytime or times hereafter during the continuance of this demise on the request and at the cost and charge of the said Michael Kopp his executors administrators or assigns and on his or their paying or tendering in payment of the sum of Ten Dollars lawful money as a fine therefor to the said William Davy his heirs or assigns shall and will make and execute or case to be made or executed unto the said Michael Kopp his executors administrators or assigns a new lease of the above described ground and premises for another ninety nine years to commence and take effect from and after the term for which the same are above demised Subject to the same rent and under the like Covenants clauses and agreements as are herein before mentioned so that this demise may be renewed and renewable forever In Witness Whereof the said William Davy and Annie [sic] Davy his wife and Michael Kopp have hereunto affixed their seals and subscribed their names on the day and year first above Written
William his X mark Davy
Ann Davy
Michael Kopp
Signed and delivered in the presence of
T L [illegible]
Thos. J Warrington
Margaret Cox Charlotte Butler Sarah [illegible] Jane [illegible]
[Portions of remaining microfilm too blurred to transcribe.]
[Baltimore City Superior Court, (Land Records), 1853-1853, ED 41, p. 59, MSA CE 168-49.]
On the second Monday of September 1854 a Michael Kopp, native of Bavaria, became a naturalized U.S. citizen in Baltimore Court of Common Pleas. He had declared his intention to naturalize on 3 November 1851. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Court of Common Pleas 1852–56, Naturalization Record Declarations, page 277.]
1860 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
Dwelling 379, Household 572
Kopp, Michel [sic], 44, male, day laborer, $0 real estate, $100 personal estate, born in Saxony
Kopp, Barbet, 44, female, born in Saxony
Kopp, Mary, 12, female, born in Maryland, in school
Kopp, Henry, 10, male, born in Maryland
Kopp, Fredrick [sic], 5, male, born in Maryland
The 1868-’69 Wood’s Baltimore City Directory lists (page 298):
Kopp, Michael, sawyer, 190 Eastern av
1870 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
2nd Ward, written page no. 217, enumerated on 9 August 1870
Dwelling No. 1196, Family No. 1892
Kopp, Michael, 54, wood sawyer, $1800 real estate, $150 personal estate, born in Bavaria
Kopp, Barbara, 54, keeping house, born in Bavaria
Kopp, Henry, 19, segar [sic] maker, born in Maryland
Kopp, Frederick, 15, at home, born in Maryland
Kopp, Charles, 11, at home, born in Maryland
The 1870 Wood’s Baltimore City Directory lists (page 341):
Kopp, Michael, sawyer, 190 Eastern av
The 1871 Wood’s Baltimore City Directory lists (page 345):
Kopp, Michael, sawyer, 190 Eastern av
The 1872 Wood’s Baltimore City Directory lists (page 345):
Kopp, Michael, laborer, 24 McKim
Kopp, Michael, sawyer, 190 Eastern av
The 1873 Wood’s Baltimore City Directory lists (page 336):
Kopp, Michael, sawyer, 190 Eastern av
The 1874 Wood’s Baltimore City Directory lists (page 325):
Kopp, Michael, sawyer, 190 Eastern av
1880 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
2nd Ward, E.D. 22, written page 14, enumerated on 7 June 1880
Dwelling No. 100, Family No. 159
190 Eastern Avenue
Kopf, Michael, 63, wood sawyer, 6 months unemployed this year, born in Bavaria
Kopf, Barbet, 63, wife, keeping house, born in Bavaria
Kopf, Charles, 23, son, single, huckster, born in Maryland
On 15 May 1884, Michael Kopp sold property on Eastern Avenue in Baltimore City:
This Deed made this Fifteenth day of May in the year Eighteen hundred and Eight four by Michael Kopp of the City of Baltimore in the State of Maryland Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of Thirteen hundred and twenty five dollars the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged the said Michael Kopp doth grant and assign unto Maria Schoenhals wife of Charles Schoenhals her personal representatives and assigns All that piece or parcel of ground situate and lying in the City of Baltimore aforesaid and described as follows to wit Beginning for the same on the North side of Eastern Avenue at a point fifteen feet Westerly from the Southwest corner of the brick house now or formerly occupied by Mrs Keitly which place of beginning is about ninety feet Easterly from Bond street and running thence Westerly binding on Eastern Avenue fifteen feet thence Northerly parallel to Bond street fifty nine and a half feet thence Easterly parallel to Eastern Avenue seven feet and nine inches more or less to the given line of "Mounteweys Neck" and thence binding on said line reversely North twenty and a half degrees East seventeen and a half feet to a line drawn Northerly parallel to Bond street from the place of beginning and thence binding on said line reversely South by about seventy five feet to the place of beginning Being the same lot of found which by a Deed bearing date the 23d day of May AD 1850 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber ED No 41 folio 59&c. was leased and demised William Davy and wife to the said Michael Kopp for the renewable term of ninety-nine years subject to an annual rent of Twenty two Dollars and fifty cents payable in equal half yearly installments on every fourth day of January and July Together with the buildings and improvements thereupon and the rights ways waters privileges advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining To Have and To Hold the said described ground and premises with the rights and appurtenances aforesaid unto and to the use of the said Maria Schoenhals her personal representatives and assigns for all the rest and residue of the term of years yet to come and unexpired therein with the right and benefit of renewal forever subject however to the payment of the yearly rent aforesaid And the said Michael Kopp covenants that he has not done no act to encumber said land that he will warrant specially the property hereby conveyed and that he will execute such further assurances of said land as may be requisite Witness the hand and seal of the grantor
Michael his X mark Kopp
Test Charles Herzog
Wm S Gorton
State of Maryland City of Baltimore to wit
I Hereby Certify that on this Fifteenth day of May in the year Eighteen hundred and Eighty four before the subscriber a Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland in and for the City of Baltimore aforesaid personally appeared Michael Kopp the grantor named in the foregoing Deed and acknowledged the same to be his act
Wm S Gorton JP
Recd for Record May 16th 1884 at 9-3/4 oclock AM same day Recorded & Exd per Jas Bond CLK
[Baltimore City Superior Court, (Land Records), 1884-1884, JB 1008, p. 119, MSA CE 168-1016.]
On 17 May 1884, The Baltimore Sun’s Local Matters Real Estate Transfers column mentioned:
Transfers on Friday, May 16, were: Michael Kopp to M. Schoenhals, lot north side of Eastern avenue, near Bond street, 15 feet 6 inches by 75 feet, $1,525; ground rent $22.50.
[The Baltimore Sun, 17 May 1884, page 6.]
Michael Kopp died 19 December 1892, age 82. He was white, married, a laborer, born in Germany. Lived in Baltimore 40 years. Died at 317 South Bond Street. Cause of death: first (primary) cerebral hemorrhage, second (immediate) coma. Duration of last sickness 3 days. Buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland. [Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland, microfilm CR-48,091, death certificate A53446.]
Death date from family Bible.
The death book at Mount Carmel Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland, states that Micheal [sic] Kopp was buried 21 December 1892. He was born in Germany, died at age 82, lived at 317 S. Bond Street, died of a hemorrhage [sic], and was married. He was buried in lot 119 U in the southwest corner.
Birth15 May 1817, Bavaria
Death26 May 1893, Baltimore, Maryland
Burial28 May 1893, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland