Images: 8 June 1837, Susanna Huhn was born in Asbach, Baden, to Margaretha Huhn, and was baptized on 11 June 1837. [Family History Library film 1189294.]
In 1852, on the ship A. Cheesebrough sailing from Liverpool, Margaret Huhn, age 44, spinster, arrived in Baltimore Maryland, with child John, age 19, shoemaker, and child Susanna, age 14, servant. Each was accompanied by one chest. All were of Ashburg, Baden, and intended to settle in Baltimore, Maryland. Many other residents of Ashburg were on the ship, with most intending to settle in Baltimore. [The National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Washington, D.C.; Records of the US Customs Service, RG36; NAI Number: 2655153; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group Number: 85.]
Chas. Strohlein married Susanna Huhn on 20 February 1854 in Baltimore City, Maryland. [State of Maryland Hall of Records Issue Bk Lsn 1851-1865, folio 551.]
1870 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
2nd Ward, written page 273, enumerated 18 August 1870
Dwelling No. 1462, Family No. 2383
Strelein, Charles, 43, carter, $300 personal estate, born in Bavaria
Strelein, Susanna, 36, keeping house, born in Baden
Strelein, Wilhelmina, 8, born in Maryland, in school within the year
Strelein, Charles, 6, born in Maryland
Strelein, George, 2, born in Maryland
1880 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
2nd Ward, E.D. 19, written page 49
Dwelling No. 344, Family No. 546
223 West Side Bethel Street
Straylein, Charles, 57, married, driver, born in Baden
Straylein, Susanna, 43, wife, keeping house, born in Baden
Straylein, Charles, 16, son, single, at home, born in Maryland
On 20 February 1890, Letters of Administration on the Estate of Charles Strohlein deceased were granted to Susannah Strohlein, who entered into a bond of $800 with Charles Breebach[?] and Gottleib Reimler[?] her securities. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Proceedings of the Orphans Court, R.T.B. 66, page 321.]
On 7 March 1890, on application by the petition of Susannah Strohlein Administratrix of Charles Strohlein deceased, it was ordered that the said Administratrix was authorized to sell by private sale, at not less than its appraisement, all leasehold, interest, estate, etc. in the leasehold estate and improvements therein contained in the inventory of property returned by the said Administratrix. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Proceedings of the Orphans Court, R.T.B. 66, page 358–359.]
On 19 March 1890, on the application of Susanna Strohlein Administratrix of Charles Strohlein it was ordered by the Orphans Court that the said Administratrix give the notice required by law for the creditors to exhibit their claims against the estate by causing advertising to be inserted over a week for four weeks in one of the daily newspapers published in the City of Baltimore. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Proceedings of the Orphans Court, R.T.B. 66, page 384.]
On 28 March 1890, Susannah Strohlein administratrix of the personal estate of Charles Strohlein deceased of the City of Baltimore and State of Maryland sold to Charles Kopp of the same. Whereas the party of the first part in pursuance of an order of Orphans Court on 8 March 1890 did sell to the party of the second part all the estate, right, title and interest of the said decedent in the property hereafter described, for $400, a lot of ground on the east side of Burke Street, 141 feet 5 inches from the corner formed by the intersection of the east side of Burke street and the south side of Lancaster, which place of beginning is designed to be at the center of an alley two feet side between the house on the lot being described and the next house adjoining… “Being the same property which was conveyed to said party of the second part and Charles Strohlein by George R Willis by deed dated May 17th AD 1888.” Annual ground rent of $37.50. Signed Susannah Strohlein. Witness: G. E. Reardon. Received for recording on 28 March 1890. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Land Book Liber J.B. 1285, pages 314–315.]
On 28 March 1890, Susannah Strohlein submitted to the Baltimore City Orphan’s Court her administration account of the estate of Charles Strohlein. She charged herself with the inventory and personal estate of the deceased returned on 8 March 1890 at a value of $400.00, and craved allowances for the following payments and disbursements:
Paid Register’s fees for Letters: 3.60
" Johnson & Prevost, Appraisers: 6.05
" The Daily Record Notice to Creditors: 4.00
" Dr. Frank C. Bressler, Medical attendance: 17.00
" Registers fees for Order, Sale, Warrant, Notice & this Acct.: 8.95
" This Accountants Commission on $400.00 @5%: 20.00
" Charles Strohlein, a Son in full of his share in said Estate: 113.46
" Wilhelmina Kopp and Charles Kopp her husband, in full of the said Wilhelmina’s share in said Estate as a daughter of said deceased: 113.47
Estate Accounted for: $400.00
Baltimore City, S.S.
On the 28" day of March 1890, came Susannah Strohlein, Administratrix as aforesaid, and made oath on the Holy Evangely of Almighty God, that the aforegoing account is just and true as stated, and that she has paid or secured the payment of every sum or sums for which she craves an allowance, which, after examination, is passed by order of the Orphan’s Court
Test: Robert T. Banks Register of Wills for Baltimore City [Baltimore City, Maryland, Administration Accounts R.T.B. No. 134, 1890, pages 62–63.]
Death date from family Bible.
Susanna Stroehlein died on 1 March 1896. Her death certificate provides the following information: full name Susanna Stroehlein; female; age 58 years 8 months 2 days [but see obituary below]; white; widow; housewife; born in Germany; lived in Baltimore City 45 years; place of death 823 Montford Av South; cause of death (first) paralysis (right h---plegia) (second) ap--oca; duration of last sickness about 2 weeks; buried at 1st Evangilic Cem; buried - [unreadable] March 1896. [Hall of Records, Annapolis, microfilm record of City of Baltimore Health Department Certificate of Death A84846.]
An obituary reads [paper unknown, no date, translated from the original German]:
Stöhlein [sic]—Sister Susanna Stöhlein [sic] was born on June 8, 1837 in Aschbach, Germany, and died on March 1, 1896 in Baltimore, Md. Nineteen years ago she converted and joined the Broadway congregation, where she remained a member until her end. Her childlike faith in God remained the anchor of her eventful life. Of her eight children, seven preceded her into eternity, and she had been a widow for eight years. Sister Wilhelmine Kopp, the only child to survive her mother, tried to make her life as pleasant as possible, and as death neared, the dying woman continued to give clear testimony of the all-redeeming power of Jesus Christ’s blood. ¶Broadway, Baltimore, Md. [signed] F. W. Böse