NameJosiah Minter 
Death20 Sep 1829
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 20 September 1819, James Croxton jr., Vincent Ramsey and Josiah Minter were bound $700 for James Croxton jr.’s administration of the estate of Gabriel Gordon. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 68–69.]
On 20 September 1819, the estate of Gabriel Gordon was inventoried by Henry C. Howerton, Josiah Minter, and William Howerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 270–271.]
On 21 February 1820, Castin Baughan, Gabriel Baughan, Mary Baughan, Elizabeth M. Baughan, Lucy Baughan, Josiah Minter and his wife Catharine, and Thomas Boughan sold the water grist mill and 5 acres surrounding it to John Horace Upshaw. This plat was “more particularly described in a survey and Plat recently made by Washington H. Purkins with the report of certain commissioners that divided the Lands of the late Major Boughan…” Caston, Gabriel, John, Josiah, Catharine, and Thomas signed; Mary, Elizabeth, and Lucy wrote Xs. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 40, page 478.]
1820 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Minter, Josiah
2 males 16-26
1 female under 10
1 female 10-16
1 female 16-26
In 1820, Josiah Minter was taxed for 1 white male above the age 16; 1 black over the age of 12, 4 blacks over the age of 16; and 2 horses, mares, colts or mules. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
On 18 September 1820, John Armstrong and Sarah his wife who was Sarah Purkins, and Josiah Minter and Catharine his wife who was Catharine Boughan, all of the County of Essex, for the purpose of conveyance of their interest in a certain Tract of Land in the county of Buckingham, which Land the late Henry Purkins died possessed, appoint Thomas Boughan and John P. Armstrong their true and lawful attorneys. Signed John Armstrong, Sarah Armstrong, Josiah Minter, Catharine Minter. Witnesses: George his + mark Davis, John T Purkins, James his + mark Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 40, pages 145–146.]
The estate of Gabriel Gordon in account with James Croxton Senior administrator from 1819 to 1821 were examined by Henry C. Howerton, Josiah Minter and Wm Howerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 91, page 235.]
On 21 February 1822, Thomas Boughan, Josiah Minter, Thomas Shearwood, Richard Shearwood and John Boughan were bound $6,000 for Thomas Boughan’s administration of the estate of Vincent Gordon. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 270.]
Josiah Minter was named an executor, with Richard Shearwood, of the will of Thomas Dennett in 1822. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 294.]
On 21 May 1822, Josiah Minter, Thos Boughan, Caston Boughan and Thomas Shearwood were bound $5,000 for Josiah Minter’s executorship of the will of Thomas Dennett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 294–295.]
A loose paper from about 1823 from St. John vs. Boughan, marked “notes for plts” states that Major Boughan died in 1811. Defendants “admit that Major Boughan died intestate about the __ day of Augt 1812”. That “the plt T. St John married Cary B. [sic] after the decease of her father some time about the close of 1812. That she lived only until the __ day of Octr 1813. [The above also in 46-F-31.] Answer of the defendants dated 22 April 1824 signed by John Boughan, Thomas Boughan, Josiah Minter, Catharin [sic] Minter, Mary Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan, Lucy Boughan. [All very literate, nice looking signatures.] [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-F-63.]
On 19 January 1824, Thomas Boughan, Jno Boughan and Josiah Minter were bound $2,000 for Thomas Boughan’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Caston Boughan deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 11–12.]
On 4 September 1824, Josiah Minter witnessed the will of Richard Shearwood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 93.]
On 21 December 1824, an inventory of the estate of Tandy Dix was made by Josiah Minter, John Jones and Richd Evans. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 358.]
On 18 July 1825, John Minter and Josiah Minter were bound $600 for John Minter’s administration of the goods chattles and credits of Richard Ryland. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 195.]
On 15 August 1825, Thomas Boughan and Josiah Minter were bound $3,600 for Thomas Boughan’s administration de bonis non of the goods chattles and credits of Major James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 223–224.]
On 7 December 1825, Thomas Boughan of Essex County “but going to move to the Western Cuntry” appointed Josiah Minter his attorney in Essex and King and Queen Counties. Signed Thos Boughan. Witnesses: Horace Shearwood, Richard Shearwood, Wm B Matthews, Zach: N Crittenden Jr. Ordered recorded 19 December 1825. The original signature of Josiah Minter is in the deed book margin. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, pages 448–449.]
On 17 January 1826, James Croxton and Josiah Minter were bound $600 for John Croxton’s administration of the goods chattles and credits of Nancy Croxton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 297.]
On 3 June 1828, Josiah Minter witnessed the will of John Dunn of the County of Essex and Parish of Southfarnham. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 286–288.]
In 1828, a case was brought to the Essex County chancery court between John Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan Josiah Minter and Catharine his wife Marinda Boughan and John Thomas Boughan an infant by the said Marinda his mother & next friend and Henry C. Boughan an infant by Josiah Minter his next friend, plantiffs, against Gabriel Boughan. The plaintiffs complained that Mary Boughan had died intestate and without issue in 1827, seized of a small tract of land of 55 acres in the county, leaving orators John Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan and Gabriel Boughan her only brothers and sisters of the whole blood, and oratrix Catharine Minter only sister of the half blood, and Henry and John Thomas Boughan children of Thomas Boughan, who died in 1827 after Mary, a brother of the half blood. The will of Thomas Boughan filed as an exhibit. The plaintiffs request that the land of Mary Boughan deceased be sold at auction to the higest bidder. The answer of Gabriel Boughan to the bill agrees with the allegations. The court decreed on 16 June 1828 that “her land is of so little value” and would be worth less than $300 if divided, that it is ordered to be auctioned. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-25; Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 46, pages 374–375.]
On 16 June 1828, in the case of John Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan, Josiah Minter and Catharine his wife, Marinda Boughan and John Thomas Boughan an infant by the said Marinda his mother and next friend and Henry C. Boughan an infant by Josiah Minter his next friend against Gabriel Boughan, the Chancery Court of Essex County decreed that the lands of which Mary Boughan died seized were to be sold at auction to the higest bidder and that one fifth of the proceeds were to be delivered by bond to each Gabriel, John, Lucy and Elizabeth, and that bonds for one tenth were to be delivered to Josiah Minter and Catharine his wife and to Marinda Boughan, except that the last bond was not to be given until Marinda had provided a bond to pay the same at her death or marriage to the infant plaintiffs. The land was sold at auction on 25 September 1828 and purchased by Elizabeth and Lucy Boughan for $311.25. Bonds were issued to the parties; Marinda’s was delivered to the court. The commissioner’s report was returned on 13 February 1830. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-23.]
Josiah Minter was mentioned in the 6 August 1828 will of Horace Shearwood, proved 15 September 1828. To my uncle Josiah Minter my bridle and saddle. Other bequests. The balance of my estate to my brother and sister, but if they die without heirs then estate to my uncle Josiah Minter and his heirs. My uncle Josiah Minter to be executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 289–290.]
“Josiah Minter departed this life the 20th of Sepr. 1829” [Minter-Durham family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 26856]
On 19 November 1829, Washington H. Purkins, John H. Micou and Thomas Pilcher were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Washington H. Purkins’s administration of the estate of Josiah Minter, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 33–34.]
He is listed as deceased in a deed of 11 January 1831. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 43, page 327.]
The estate of Cary Turner in account with Thomas Purkins, executor, from 1825 to 1830, and the estate of John Turner, deceased, in account with Thomas Purkins, administrator, from 1826 to 1830 were ordered recorded 18 April 1831. Includes from Cary’s estate 1/9 share payments ($41.72) to distributees in November 1830: Mary Boughan’s administrator, Elizabeth Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Gabriel Boughan, John Boughan, James Croxton for Sally Crow’s part who was Sally Boughan, W.H. Purkins administrator of Thomas Boughan, ditto the administrator of Josiah Minter who married Caty Boughan; and the heirs of James Boughan (1/4 of 1/9 or $10.43): James Boughan, Mary Boughan, Benjamin Boughan, and Austin Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 270–274.]
The estate of Josiah Minter, deceased, in account with Was: H. Purkins, administrator, from 1829 to 1831 was ordered recorded 19 December 1831. Includes $6.50 to George Taylor for coffin, $225 to “Mrs C Minter for board & clothing her four children for one year”, $28.75 “paid Jas Howerton agt for Thos St John for this sum recovered by St John vs Boughans & others on acc’t of illegal division of land”, $81.70 “paid A Temple for board & tuition of Miss Ann Shearwood”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 364–367.]
On 24 July 1833, Polly Brizendine widow of Chaney Brizendine complained that in 1829, Josiah Minter exor of Thomas Dennett decd commenced a suit against the personal representative, widow and heirs of the said Brizendine for debt. That the names Patsey and Polly were mixed up in the decree. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 47, item 47-E-7.]
The estate of Thomas Dennett, deceased, in account with Josiah Minter. executor, from 1828 to 1829, was settled on 12 April 1834, with a balance due to the estate of Josiah Minter. This balance was settled by “cash recd. from Mr. John Crow Jr who intermarried with Jane Dennett the child & only heir of Thos. Dennett decd.” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 272–273.]
The estate of Josiah Minter, deceased, in account with Was H Purkins, administrator, from 1831 to 1834 was ordered recorded on 16 June 1834. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 274–277.]
The estate of Josiah Minter, deceased, in account with Was: H Purkins, administrator, from 1834 to 1837 was ordered recorded on 19 June 1837. Shows on 16 November 1836 “Cash recd. from ditto [i.e. the deputy sheriff] for sale of Negro Girl Lavinia” for $428.00. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 126–129.]
On 21 January 1839, Catharine Minter and William A. Wright were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Catharine Minter’s adminstration de bonis non of the estate of Josiah Minter, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 352.]
Birth20 Jan 1796, Virginia
Deathabt Nov 1868
Marriageabt 24 Dec 1818, Essex County, Virginia