NameJames Boughan 
Birthabt 1630
Deathabt Mar 1678
Residence(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia
In July 1655, James Boughan purchased of Oliver Seager of Rappahanock County a tract of 250 acres. The deed book is badly damaged; the entry exists as a fragment. Witnesses: John Vause, ffrancis his f mark Colle. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, pages 31–32.]
On 9 June 1658, James Boughan received land patent of 250 acres in Rappahannock County, Virginia adjacent a tract surveyed for Samuell Parry, running to a small Indian feild &c, for the transportion of 5 people. This patent was renewed on 18 March 1662. [Nugent, Marion Nell. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623–1666 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1979), 366, citing Patent Book No. 4, page 174 (260).]
In September 1660, Elioner Seager assigned over her right and title to land that her husband Oliver Seager had previously sold to James Boughan. The deed book page is extensively damaged. Witnesses: Ann Johnson, John his I mark Hampshere. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 126.]
On 5 September 1660, James Bohn witnessed a power of attorney from the wife of Homer[?] Weir[?] to a third party to acknowledge a prior deed. The deed book page is extensively damanged. Signed James his E mark Bohn. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 126.]
On 13 January 1661 James Boughan executed a bond to Mr. Robert Viccaridge to pay 443 pounds of “Sound merchantable Tobo & Caske of my own Cropp at my now dwelling plantacon at or upon the 10th day of October next Ensuing”. Signed James his E mark Boughan. Witnesses: Rich Webley, George Davis. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 219.]
On 1 March 1664, John Kilman gave one cow calf unto James Boughan the son of James Boughan. Signed John his HH mark Kilman. Witnesses: Henry Crieighton, James his EF mark ffullerton. Recorded 5 July 1665. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Wills & Deeds 1, pages 2–3.]
On 27 February 1665/6, James Boughan received a patent of 150 acres of land in Rappahannock County “upon the maine sw. of Piscataway Cr.” for the transportation of Eliz. Pettus, Eliz. Edom, and Jno. Roakes. The land “Beg. by the maine sw. &c. to branches deviding this from land of Thomas Harper & Robt. Clemonds &c.” [Virginia Land Patent Book 6, page 48.]
On 24 February 1666, Wm Richards gave power of attorney to James Baughan, his “Trusty and well Beloved Freind”. Signed Wm his WR mark Richards. Witnesses: Ri: Glover, Francis Browne. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, page 193.]
On 24 February 1666, Kath: Richards, wife of Wm Richards, appointed “my trusty & faithful Friend James Boughan” her attorney to acknoweldge a deed. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, page 194.]
On 20 May 1667, Nath: Baxter of the County of Rappahannock appointed Wm Gantlett attorney in all cases between himself and James Baughan. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 239–240.]
On 23 December 1668, James Boughan of Piscatacon in the County of Rappa plantr, for Two thousand pounds of Tobacco, sold to Thomas Traoth of the aboves Creeke & County planter One Hundred Acres of Land be it more or Lesse Beginning at a white Oake Standing at the head of the First first [sic] Branch on the South East Side of the Now plantacon of the sd James Boughan & soe Extending along the Lyne of the sd James Boughan towards the Creeke to the End thereof & from thence along the Lyne of Samuell Perry over the maine pocosen to a marked corner Black Walnutt & thence Upp the pocosen paralell to the First menconed white Oake & from thence straight over the maine pocosen to the first nominated white Oake where it First Begann. Signed James his James his E mark Boughan, Thomasui [sic] her n mark Boughan. Witnesses: Thomas Edmondson, John Heyward. On 3 February 1668 acknowledged and recorded. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 97–99.]
On 1 March 1669, Robert Clements appointed James Boughan his attorney. Signed RC. Witnesses: Francis Browne, Tamsson Boughan. Recorded 10 February 1669/70 [sic]. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, page 265.]
On 8 October 1672, James Boughan and Thomas Harper received 1,000 acres of land in Rappahannock County upon “Pascataway Pocoson”. “Beg. at a small island; to the Towne Marsh; through the Musketo feild to the maine sw. & another island, &c.” For transportation of 20 people.
On 26 December 1677, James Boughan, who signed with his E mark, was a member of a jury in an inquiry of a deed from Robert Clemmons to Thomas Harper. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, pages 16–17.]
On 29 March 1678 James Boughan gave to his brothers John Boughan, Henry Boughan, and Alexander Boughan his whole right title and interest of a patent granted. “To all xpian people to whom these presents shall come Know yee that I James Boughan Doe for ye Singlular love & affection I beare to my brothers John Boughan, Henry Boughan, & Alexander: Boughan I doe freely give, grant, deliver & confirme to them ye said Jno Henry & Alexander: Boughan, my whole right, title & interest of that Pattent wch was in copartnership between Thomas Harper & my ffather lately Decd, bearing Date, ye eighth Day of Octob: 1672 to be equally Devided between my aforesaid brothers, To have & to hold ye said Lands wth all ye rights & priviledges thereunto belonging according to ye true intent & meaning of ye said pattent from me ye said James Boughan & from my heirs to my aforesaid Brothers John, Henry & Alexander Boughan & to their heires for ever, Provided allwaies that none of my said brothers shall at any time hereafter sell or dispose of his or their pte of ye said Land to any Stranger or person w:soever untill my said Brothers or my Selve doe refuse to buy it …” Signed James Boughan. Witnesses: Tho: Edmundson, Mary her M mark Edmondson. Recognized in court on 5 June 1678. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, page 41.]
The above land was deserted by James Boughan: On 20 September 1683, Col. Richard Johnson was awarded 150 acres of land in Rappahannock (Essex) County, “on maine Sw. of Piscattaway Cr.” The record adds: “Granted to James Baugham, 27 Feb. 1665/6, deserted, & granted to Thomas Batts; assigned to James Baugham, Junr., who deserted; granted to sd. Johnson by order &c., 16 Apr. 1680.” [Virginia Patent Book 7, page 326.]
On 2 December 1685, “Attachmt is granted to Ed: Adcock against the Estate of Jno Baughan Accord: to declaracon Returnable next court” [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Order Book 1, 1683–1686, page 83.]
A deed of 9 July 1703 from John Harper to Thomas Harper of 300 acres includes part of the 1000 acres to “James Boughan & Thomas Harper of Essex,” both deceased. This is from the patent dated 8 October 1672.
On 14 January 1713/14, James Boughan Senr. of the parish of South farnham in the County of Essex planter Son & heir of James Boughan of the parish & County aforesaid Dec’d sold to Henry Boughan of ye parish & County aforesd, planter. In consideration of a certain parcel of land convey’d to him the said James Boughan by the said Henry Boughan, James Boughan sells to Henry Boughan all his right and title that he, the said James Boughan, hath in and to a certain Patent of land that was formerly in Copartnership betwen Thomas Harper and his Grandfather James Boughan both Dated and formerly given by a Deed from under the hand & Seal of his father James Boughan to John Boughan, Henry Boughan & Alexander Boughan bearing date the Twenty Ninth day of March 1678, which said Patent bearing date the Eighth day of October One Thousand Six hundred Seventy two. Signed James Boughan. Witnesses: James Edmondson, Jos Baker. Acknowledged in court on 14 January 1713. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 168.]
To those who say James Boughan is the son of one Roland Boughan: prove it. I see not a shred of evidence.
Birthabt 1630
Deathaft 16 Oct 1696
ChildrenJames (~1650-~1712)