NameJohn Boughan 
Birthbef 1653
Deathabt Feb 1698
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 27 May 1673, “John Baughen hath order for four Dayes Attendance to be paid by Mrs Eliz: Wood in the sute Against Mr Weldon According to Act”. [Minutes of the Countil and General Court of Colonial Virginia, Ed. h. R. McIlwaine, 2nd ed., Virginia State Library, 1979, p. 341.]
On 29 March 1678 James Boughan gave to his brothers John Boughan, Henry Boughan, and Alexander Boughan his whole right title and interest of a patent granted. “To all xpian people to whom these presents shall come Know yee that I James Boughan Doe for ye Singlular love & affection I beare to my brothers John Boughan, Henry Boughan, & Alexander: Boughan I doe freely give, grant, deliver & confirme to them ye said Jno Henry & Alexander: Boughan, my whole right, title & interest of that Pattent wch was in copartnership between Thomas Harper & my ffather lately Decd, bearing Date, ye eighth Day of Octob: 1672 to be equally Devided between my aforesaid brothers, To have & to hold ye said Lands wth all ye rights & priviledges thereunto belonging according to ye true intent & meaning of ye said pattent from me ye said James Boughan & from my heirs to my aforesaid Brothers John, Henry & Alexander Boughan & to their heires for ever, Provided allwaies that none of my said brothers shall at any time hereafter sell or dispose of his or their pte of ye said Land to any Stranger or person w:soever untill my said Brothers or my Selve doe refuse to buy it …” Signed James Boughan. Witnesses: Tho: Edmundson, Mary her M mark Edmondson. Recognized in court on 5 June 1678. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, page 41.]
On 10 June 1693, John Boughan and Mary his wife sold to Joseph Beland, for 3000 pounds tobacco and cask, a parcel of land containing two hundred acres in Essex County, bordering land of Capt: Richard Haile and Mr Richard Gregory, it being part of a greater dividend taken up by the said John Boughan and his brother James Boughan by patent. Signed John Boughan, Mary her + mark Boughan. Witnesses: Tho Hucklescott, Tho Parker Senr, Thomas Gouldman. On 10 June 1693, acknowledged in court by John Boughan, and Mary Boughan appeared and relinquished her right of dower. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 1, pages 205–207.]
On 16 July 1679, John Boughan, Henry Boughan (signed HB), and Tho Edmondson witnessed a deed from George Keiffell and Joane his wife to George Boyce. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, pages 87–88.]
He and his brother James apparently had some property that they deserted. Thomas Wood, John Wood, and Thomas Wood, Jr. were awarded 900 acres in Essex County of 20 April 1684. This was land adjacent “James Fullerton; Richard Gregory; the Horse path; Col. Goodrich & Mr. Henry Awbrey; & on land of Ball & Price. Granted James & John Boughan, 20 Apr. 1684, deserted & now granted by order, &c.” John Boughan must therefore have been 21 by 20 April 1684, which would put his birth at 20 April 1663 or earlier. [Virginia Patent Book 7, page 379.]
On 21 October 1684 John Boughan received 500 acres in New Kent County, Virginia, St. Stevens Parish, “on S. side of York Riv., bet. branches of Black Cr. & Mattedeguin Cr.” “Near Wm. Pullam; crossing Horsley’s path; adj Mr. James Woody’s land, formerly Wm. Stone’s; to James More [Moore]. 300 acs. purchased of George Thomas & Samuel Right, 7 Sept. 1670; 200 acs. being surplus & due for trans. of 4 pers.” [Presumably this is the same John Boughan.]
On 19 January 1694/95, James Boughan and Mary his wife, and John Boughan and Mary his wife of Essex County sold to John Dicks of the same county, for 8,500 pounds of tobacco in caske, all the remaining part or parcell of nine hundred acres of Land, by estimation five hundred acres more or less, scituate in Essex County on the south side of the Rappa. River, and bounding upon the Land of James Fallerton and Goodrich, and Capt. Richard Hails Land. Signed James Baughan, Mary Baughan, John Baughan, Mary her A mark Baughan. Witnesses: James his I mark Fogg, John Loyd. Ordered recorded on 10 May 1695. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 1, 19th century transcription, pages 390–391.]
On 19 January 1694/95, James Baughan and John Baughan, planters, of the County of Essex were bound unto John Dicks of the same county, Carpenter, in the sum of 16,000 pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco & Casque. The condition of this obligation is such that if John Dicks shall may from henceforth forever peaceably occupy 500 acres granted by patent dated 20 April 1694 to James Baughan and John Baughan, then this obligation to void. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 1, 19th century transcription, page 391.]
In the name of God amen I John Boughan being very Sick & weake in body but I thank God I am in perfect sense & memory do make this my last Will and Testamt in manner & fforme as ffowlloweth first I give give my Soule to almighty God that gave it to me and hopeing through the merrits and mediacon of my Lord & Savr: Jesus Christ to receive eternall happiness after this paynfull life is ended & my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the hands of my Exr hereafter named
It: I give and bequeave to my Daffter Mary Boughan all my Land & plantacon to her & her haires for ever. I likewise give & bequeave to my sd Daffter one Cowe that is almost whight called & known by the name of Chubes & tow Briding Sowes & tow puter Disshies to har & har haires for ever, & for yet rest of my personall Estate after my Just debts be paied my will & desire is that if Shall all be dividee between my Wife Mary Boughan & my Chilldern to them & there haires for ever.
Last I made & ordain my Brougher James Boughan to be my holle & Solle Exr of this my last Will & Testamt: in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seale this 2 day of Jan:ry 1697
John Boughan
Witnesses: Thomas Evett, William his V marke Akres Junr
John Boughan Junr
On 10 March 1697/98 ordered recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, page 172.]