Birthabt 1630
Residence(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia
Deathaft 16 Oct 1696
On 23 December 1668, James Boughan of Piscatacon in the County of Rappa plantr, for Two thousand pounds of Tobacco, sold to Thomas Traoth of the aboves Creeke & County planter One Hundred Acres of Land be it more or Lesse Beginning at a white Oake Standing at the head of the First first [sic] Branch on the South East Side of the Now plantacon of the sd James Boughan & soe Extending along the Lyne of the sd James Boughan towards the Creeke to the End thereof & from thence along the Lyne of Samuell Perry over the maine pocosen to a marked corner Black Walnutt & thence Upp the pocosen paralell to the First menconed white Oake & from thence straight over the maine pocosen to the first nominated white Oake where it First Begann. Signed James his James his E mark Boughan, Thomasui [sic] her n mark Boughan. Witnesses: Thomas Edmondson, John Heyward. On 3 February 1668 acknowledged by Thomasui [sic] and recorded. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 97–99.]
On 2 February 1668, Thomasin Boughan, wife of James Boughan, “doe heer make by very Good Freind Francis Browne for to bee my True & Lawfull attorney for mee & in my Name for to Acknowledge a parcell of Land which is 100 acres more or Lesse. As Witnesse my hand the 2 day of Febry 1668. Thomasin her E mark Boughan.” Witnesses: John Heyward, Elizabeth Browne. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, page 99.]
On 1 March 1669, Robert Clements appointed James Boughan his attorney. Signed RC. Witnesses: Francis Browne, Tamsson Boughan. Recorded 10 February 1669/70 [sic]. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, page 265.]
In 1684, Frances Lee brought suit against Thomasin Boughan for a debt. On 4 June 1684, “A non ficite is granted to Thomasin Baughun against Mr. ffrancis Lee he not appearing to presente To be paid with Costs pf Suite als Exer” [(Old) Rappahannock County, Order Book 1, 1683–1686, page 40.] On 6 October 1684, “Ordered that Mr. John Waters as Attorney of ffrancis Lee pay and sattisfie the Charges of the nonficet obtayned by Mrs. Tomosin Baughun against the said Lee with costs &c.” [(Old) Rappahannock County, Order Book 1, 1683–1686, page 56.] On 5 October 1684, “Whereas mr John Waters Attorney of mr ffrancis Lee brought his action[?] against Mrs Tomasin Baughun for a certaine Debt Due from ye defedt. to the said ffrancis Lee wch. Debt ye defendt. pleaded satisfied by ye s[illegible] of fo[illegible] [illegible] of tob to the said Lee and for tryall Referred the matter of a Jury who was Impanneled & sworne by name [illegible] Tho. Edmundson foreman Richard Hale, Jno. Smith, Andrew Doding Joseph Goodrich, John Butler, Thomas Wheler, Georg Sonthin[?] Tho. Parker Rob. Parker, John Meadors Wm. Ackers, whose verdict was the Jurors find no sale of the tob from Baughun therefore the Debt Due wch. verdict this Court has Confirmed & Order the Debt to pay alle of [illegible] Exor. it being late in the Day The Court have suspended Judgment for the Debt till tomorrow morning—” [(Old) Rappahannock County, Order Book 1, 1683–1686, page 57.] On 6 October 1684, “James Baughun Did this day in open Court make oath that the Credit Given Thomas Porter by Mr. ffrancis Lee for two[?] pound seventeen & thre pence was not Given uppon acct. of his Mother Mrs. Thomasin Baughun—” [(Old) Rappahannock County, Order Book 1, 1683–1686, page 57.]
6 September 1688: “Attachmt. is granted to Tomasin Boughan against Thomas Day according to Declaration Riturnable next Court.” [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Order Book 2, page 112.]
3 October 1688: “The attachment granted to Tomasin Boughan against the Estate Tho: Day is Continued Returnable to next Court”. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Order Book 2, page 115.]
On 16 October 1696, Tomsan her |— mark Boughan witnessed a deed from Wm Freeman and Elizabeth his wife to Tho Evett. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, pages 81–82.]
Thomasin may have died after 1703. In Beverley Fleet’s Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume II, page 92:
“p. 19 Deed. 9 July 1703.” Mentions land adjacent the land of “the plantation of the Widdow Boughan”.
Birthabt 1630
Deathabt Mar 1678
ChildrenJames (~1650-~1712)