NameHenry Daniel 
Baptism15 Mar 1701/1702, Middlesex County, Virginia
ResidenceMiddlesex County, Virginia
Death1767, Middlesex County, Virginia
“Henry the Sone of Robert & Margt Daniell…were all 10 of them Baptizd the 15th Day of March 1701/2.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 55.]
“Henry Daniel & Mary Johnson Married Febry ye 11 1728.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 166.]
On 1 October 1754, “On the motion of Maurice Smith Guardian of Anna Daniel Orphn of Garret Daniel decd. Orderd that Massey Yarrington, James Daniel, William Daniel and Henry Daniel or any three of them do Settle the Accounts of the sd decedts Estate and divide the same and that they do report there proceeedings herein to next Court.” [Middlesex County, Virginia, Orders 1752–1758, page 218.]
On 4 February 1755, “Henry Daniel Gent. produced a Commission under the hand of the Honourable Robert Dinwiddie Esqr his Majesties Lieutent Governor and Commander in Cheif of this Colony, appointing him Captain of the upper Foot Company in this County & took the oaths to the Goverment & subscribed the Test” [Middlesex County, Virginia, Orders 1752–1758, page 229.]
Data from Middlesex, Virginia, Daniel Descendants, by Robert Neville Mann and Cathrine Cleek Mann of Cedar Bluff, Alabama, published by Whitener’s Lettershop of Rome, Georgia, in 1959.
“The will of Henry Daniel was dated March 17, 1764; proved July 7, 1767; recorded in Book 9, page 341, Middlesex County, Virginia. It mentions son, George; son, Robert; son, Henry; daughter, Mary Shephard; daughter, Rachel Daniel; grandson, Nelson Daniel, a minor; and wife, Betty. Robert, Henry, and Rachel Daniel were under 21 years of age. Executors: Wife and friend, Lewis Montague. Witnesses: Geo. Davis, Charles Lee, and John George.” [p. 18]
Death21 Feb 1733, Middlesex County, Virginia
Marriage11 Feb 1728, Middlesex County, Virginia