NameEpaphroditus Lawson Waring 
Deathabt May 1821
Lawson was mentioned, as also known as Epaphroditus Lawson Waring, in the 13 October 1798 will of his father, Robert Payne Waring, proved on 17 June 1799. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 457–461.]
In the Name of God amen I E. L. Wearing being in Sound mind but infirm in body, do make and ordain this as my last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth, Item I give and bequeath unto my Brother Horrace Wearing all my Interest in and unto the dower Right of my Fathers estate, also my interest in my Brother Francis G. Wearings Est. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife all my Estate both real and personal to her and her Heirs forever, provided nevertheless Should She have a Child after my death, it is my desire that my Estate be equally divided between my wife and the child, lastly I do appoint to this my last will and testament, my Brother Robert Payne Wearing, my Friend Henry Wearing and my beloved wife — Executors and Executrix to this my last will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 27th day of April 1821
E. L. Wearing
Witnesses: John Redman, Ann L. Butler, Silas Short
On 25 May 1821, proved and ordered to be recorded. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Deeds and Wills 24, pages 168–169.]