NameCaptain Robert Gaines Haile 
Birth7 Jul 1787
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Death12 May 1863
[Haile Family Bible, published by Kimber and Sharpless, Philadelphia, 1824, in possession of Charlotte Frischkorn, Richmond, Virginia, 1995; Library of Virginia Haile Family Bible record accession #36284.]
On 16 July 1804, Barker Minter and John Minter were bound for the marriage of Barker Minter, widower, and Sally Croxton, widower. Witnesses: John Haile junr, Robt G. Haile. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Marriage Bonds, Box 1, 1804–11.]
On 17 September 1810, John Haile, Robert G Haile and Laurence Muse were bound in the penalty of $12,000 for John Haile’s administration with the will annexed of the estate of John Haile Senr. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 211–212.]
“Robt. G. Haile & Matilda J. (or I.?) Wright daughter of Edward Wright senr. was married the 28th March 1811” [Haile Family Bible, published by Kimber and Sharpless, Philadelphia, 1824, in possession of Charlotte Frischkorn, Richmond, Virginia, 1995; Library of Virginia Haile Family Bible record accession #36284.]
“Haile, Robert G. Was married on Thursday, the 28th ult. [28 March 1811] Mr. Robert G. Haile, of Essex to…Miss Matilda Wright, of King and Queen.” [Enquirer (Richmond), 12 April 1811.]
On 21 February 1815, Robert G. Haile, Lewis Dix, Thomas Wright and John Haile were bound in the penalty of $15,000 for Robert G. Haile’s administration of the goods, chattels and credits of Ambrose Hundley, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 117–118.]
In about 1815, orator and oratrix Robert G. Haile and Matilda his wife complained to the justices of King and Queen County. That Edward Wright late of this county died on ____ 1815 intestate leaving the following heirs: Matilda the wife of Robert G. Haile, William A. Wright, and James A. Wright, Mary S. Wright, Edward Wright, David P. Wright and Sally Wright, the said James, Mary, Edward, David and Sally being infants under the age of 21, and Lucinda E. Matthews an infant daughter of Lucinda E. Matthews deceased who was married to William B. Matthews. Administration of the estate of Edward Wright was granted to William A. Wright and William B. Matthews. The land is partly in King and Queen and partly in Essex. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 28, item 28-N-48.]
The estate of Ambrose Hunley, deceased, in account with Robert G. Haile, administrator, from 1815 to 1817 was settled by John Jones, H W Latané, and Thos. L Latane was returned to court and ordered recorded on 16 December 1817. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 460–462.]
On 21 September 1818, Robert G Haile, Henry H Boughan, Wm T Upshaw, Wm A Garnett, Washington H Purkins and Graves Burke were appointed commissioners to divide the land of Major Boughan deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-27.]
On 16 November 1818, a deed of trust was executed between Peter Campbell of the first part, Robert G. Haile of the second part, and Elizabeth Hundley of the third part. Whereas Ambrose Hundley died intestate, leaving land adjacent to that of Robert G. Haile, Miss Catharine Dix and others, and whereas Peter Campbell hath married Molly, daughter of Ambrose and is entitled to 110 of the land, Peter Campbell desires to sell his 110 acre share of the land, but his wife is under the age of 21. Elizabeth Hundley agrees to buy the 110 acres for $660 if Peter Campbell conveys in trust negro slaves to Robert G. Haile until Molly arrives at legal age. Signed Peter Campbell, Ro. G. Haile, Elizabeth Hundley. No witnesses. Ordered recorded 16 November 1818. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 39, pages 639–641.]
In about 1819, orators and oratrices Edward Wright and David P. Wright infants by William H. Hutchason their next friend and Mary Haile and Emily Haile infants by Robert G. Haile their father and next friend complained to the Chancery Court. That Sally Wright an infant died intestate in 1819. That your orators and William A. Wright are the only brothers of Sally and your oratrices are the only children of a deceased sister. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 42, item 42-G-7.]
The Essex County Historical Society publication, Vol. 14, November 1978, states that Robert Gaines Haile (1787–1863) was a son of John Haile, and that although Robert was not mentioned in his father’s will (as were his sons John and Richard Thomas) John jr. deed Robert his half of equity in his father’s estate. The article adds that Robert Gaines Haile fought in the War of 1812 as a Captain and in 1818 he began to build Beavers Hill.
On 10 March 1815, 15 December 1815 and 15 December 1816 [sic], Robert G. Haile conducted sales of the estate of Ambrose Hunley as administrator of the estate, and submitted the sales accounts on 16 September 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, apges 323–326.]
In an undated petition from around 1814 or 1815, in the case of St. Johns admr & others plts against Howertons admr &c defts, orators John St. John admr of Elizabeth St. John deceased, Jack J. Willis, admr of Rachel Willis decd, & Carter Croxton state that at the division of Ambrose Howerton’s estate the court assigned to widow Catharine Howerton 55 acres and 2 slaves. She died January 1814. The children should now inherit. They are: Elizabeth, now deceased, who died before Catharine, and who was the wife of orator John St. John, Rachel wife of Jack J. Willis, Rachel also having died before Catharine, and Robert Howerton. They complain against Charles Howerton, surviving admr of Ambrose Howerton, and Robert Howerton under 21 by Robert G. Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 20, item 20-I-33.]
On 15 February 1819, Sarah Haile, Benjamin Blake, and Robert G. Haile [could be this Robert Gaines Haile] were bound $12,000 for Sarah Haile’s adminstratrixship of the goods, chattles and credits of John Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 25.]
On 21 June 1819, Reuben M. Garnett, Reuben Garnett and Robert G. Haile [could be this Robert Gaines Haile] were bound $20,000 for Reuben M. Garnett’s executorship of the estate of John Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 46.]
In 1820, Robt. G Haile was taxed for one white male above the age 16; 2 blacks aged over 12; 11 blacks aged over 11; 7 horses, mares, colts or mules; and 1 carr valued at $100. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
On 19 June 1820, Robert G. Haile and William A. Wright were bound $1,000 for Robert G. Haile’s administration of the estate of Sally Wright. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 108.]
Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Hunley are held and firmly bound unto Robt. G. Haile admr. of Ambrose Hunley decd. in the just and fill sum of Three thousand three hundred and forty three dollars and twenty one cents current money of Virginia to be paid to the said Robt. G. Haile or his assigns to which payment well and truly to be made I bind myself my heirs Exors & admrs in the penal sum of six thousand six hundred and Eighty six dollars forty two cents. Sealed with my seal and dated this 25th day Octr. 1817.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Elizabeth Hunley having qualified as guardian for the infant Children of decd. husband Ambrose Hunley, and the said Robt. G. Haile has paid over to the said Elizabeth Guardian as aforesaid the said Three thousand three hundred & forty three dollars and twenty one cents being the balance found due from the said Robt. G. Haile to the Est: of the said Ambrose Hunley upon a settlement of his admn. and Whereas there may be claims against the said Estate which are unsatisfied, and the administrator is doubtful whether he may be subjected to the payment thereof and consequently the said Robt. G. Haile hath no assets in his hands of the intestate for the payment of demands which may be established against him as admr. & the said Elizabeth Hunley Guardian as aforesaid, in consideration of her having received the assets aforesaid hath agreed with the said Robt. G. Haile that she will well and truly indemnify the said Robt. G. Haile as far as the proportions of her Wards are liable as well as her own proportion: against the demands against him as admr. so far as such demands may be established. Now in case the said Elizabeth Hunley shall well and truly comply and fulfil all and each of the said agreements then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue
Signed Elizabeth her + mark Hunley. Witness: Was. H. Purkins [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 260–261.]
“Robt. G. Haile & Elizabeth B. Jones daughter of Capt. William Jones was married the thirtieth November 1821” [Haile Family Bible, published by Kimber and Sharpless, Philadelphia, 1824, in possession of Charlotte Frischkorn, Richmond, Virginia, 1995.]
A bill of complaint from approximately 1822 states that William Halbert died intestate with fifty acres of land, leaving John Halbert, James Halbert, Thomas Halbert and Mary Gouldman (wife of Richard Gouldman), children of his deceased brother James; Muscoe, Andrew, Alexander, George, William H., and Nelly Newman, Rosey Fora (wife of John Fora), Polly Tucker (wife of William Tucker) and Patsey Divers (wife of William Divers), children of a deceased sister Hannah Newman; William H. Hutchason, Charles Hutchason & Elizabeth Richards (wife of Jno. C. Richards) children of a deceased sister Patty Hutchason; William A., Edward and David P. Wright, grandchildren of the said Patty Hutchason, and Mary Haile and Emily Haile (by Robert G. Haile their father), great grandchildren of Patty Hutchason; John Mitchell, Alice Vawter and Nancy Dollins (wife of William Dollins), children of a deceased sister Ann Mitchell; Caty Ingram and John Ingram, grandchildren of Ann Mitchell; John, Edna and Nancy Mitchell, grandchildren of Ann Mitchell; Elizabeth Gatewood, a sister of the said intestate; and Philip Noel, Lucy Hutchason (wife of Jno Hutchason) and Polly Alexander (wife of Robert Alexander), children of a deceased sister Frances Noel. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 25, items 25-L-23 and 25-L-26.]
The estate of John Haile, deceased, in account with Robert G. Haile, administrator de bonis non, from 1825 to 1828; and the estate of Sarah Haile, deceased, in account with Robert G. Haile, executor, from 1825 to 1829 were ordered recorded on 18 January 1830. Includes in Sarah’s estate “Expenses bringing Corpse from Caroline to Tappahannock & for Funeral Expenses”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 52–59.]
On 17 January 1826, Robert G. Haile and Henry W. Latane were bound in the penalty of $20,000 for Robert G. Haile’s execution of the last will and testament of Sarah Haile, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 299–300.]
On 19 September 1826, Philip Montague and Robert G Haile were bound $2,000 for Philip Montague’s administration of the goods chattles and credits of Alfred B. Gordon. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 22–23.]
A copy of Robert G. Haile’s signature from 1827 can be found on Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 35, item 35-J-12. In this record he signed as agent for E. Hundley, guardian for Ambrose, John, Thomas and Sarah Hundley.
On 3 March 1828, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Mary Boughan was made by Was: H Purkins, Ro: G Haile and Henry H Boughan. Total valuation $373. Recorded 17 December 1828. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, page 226.]
On 16 June 1828, Robert G. Haile, Henry H. Boughan and Washington H. Purkins were appointed commissioners to sell at auction the lands of Mary Boughan, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, items 37-I-23 and 37-I-25.] On 25 September 1828, the land was auctioned off by Was:H:Purkins and Henry H Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-23.]
On 15 September 1828, Robert G. Haile and Anthony S. Barnes were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Robert G. Haile’s administration de bonis non of the estate of John Haile, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, page 285.]
On 31 July 1834, Robert G. Haile made purchases at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
On 13 and/or 14 November 1834, Robert G Haile made purchases at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
On 20 February 1837, Philip Montague and Robert G. Haile were bound in the penalty of $12,000 for Philip Montague’s execution of the will of Elizabeth M. Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 100.]
On 4 April 1837, sales of the estate of John Boughan were made, with purchases by Mrs John Boughan, Richd Sherwood, Thos Boughan, Jas Croxton, Thos N Clarke, H H Boughan, Lucy Boughan, William Bezley, Robert Brooks, Mrs Minter, Dr J Miner, Frank Coleman, Jas Semple, Jas Phillips, John Rouzee, Jos Wilmore, Robert Moody, Mrs Frances Boughan, Ro: G Haile, Charlott Howerton, Susan Jones, and John Coleman. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 118–119.]
On 15 May 1837, an inventory and apprisal of the estate of John Boughan, deceased, committed to the hands of James Semple. sheriff of Essex and Committee of the estate, and made by John L Cox, Henry H Boughan, and Robt G Haile, was ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 117–118.]
On 18 October 1837, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of William L. Latane was made by Ro: G Haile, William Cox, and D. P. Wright. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 248–250.]
On 20 January 1840, Ambrose Hundley and Robert G Haile were bound in the penalty of $3,000 for Ambrose Hundley’s administration of the estate of Richard T Hundley. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 440–441.]
On 20 July 1840, James Durham Jr., William A. Wright and Robert G. Haile were bound in the penalty of $12,000 for James Durham Jr.’s executorship of the estate of John Minter, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 489–490.]
On 7 July 1840, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Richard T. Hundley, deceased, was made by Was H Purkins, W: Lewis and Ro: G Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 490.]
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 91
Dwelling 442, Household 442
Haile, Robert G., 63, male, farmer, value of real estate $15,000, born in Virginia
Haile, Elizabeth, 45, female, born in Virginia
Haile, Ann, 20, female, born in Virginia
Haile, Robert, 18, male, born in Virginia
Haile, Lucy, 15, female, born in Virginia
Haile, Sarah, 12, female, born in Virginia
Haile, Virginia, 8, female, born in Virginia
On 2 April 1850, William Beazley of the first part, William A. Wright of the second part and Robert G. Haile of the third part executed a deed of trust. Whereas William Beazley is indebted to Robert G. Haile $825 with interest from the 22nd day of March last by bond, for $1 paid by William A. Wright, the said William Beazley conveys slaves Sam, Cheney, George and Martha (the 2 lasts named subject to a deed of trust executed by the said William Beazley to B. W. Brockenbrough to secure a debt due to Brockenbrough Micou & Co on 16 September 1848. William A. Wright is to allow William Beazley to remain in possession of the slaves until default of $825, at which time the slaves are to be sold at auction. Signed William his x mark Beazley, W. A. Wright. Ordered recorded 2 April 1850.
On 8 December 1851, Robert G. Haile was mentioned as a bordering landowner in a deed from Thomas Boughan and Mary his wife to Alexander S. Boughton. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 50, pages 250–251.]
On 16 March 1852, a negro man Sam, property of the estate of William Beazley, was scheduled to be sold by Henry Beazley as representative of the estate to satisfy a debt to Robert G. Haile. This account was settled by W. A. Wright, trustee. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 50, pages 272–273.]
1860 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 24
Dwelling 220, Family 214
Haile, R. G., 72, male, farmer, value of real estate $25,000, value of personal estate $122,431, born in Virginia
Haile, M. T., 22, female, born in Virginia
Haile, L. E., 3, female, born in Virginia
Haile, Susan E., 1, female, born in Virginia
“Robert G. Haile departed this life on the 12 day of May 1863 - Aged: 75 years, 10 mo: & 5 days.” [Haile Family Bible, published by Kimber and Sharpless, Philadelphia, 1824, in possession of Charlotte Frischkorn, Richmond, Virginia, 1995.]
A plaque in the Essex County courthouse states that Capt. Robert Gaines Haile Sr. died on 12 May 1863.
Birth27 Aug 1790
Death27 Mar 1817
Birth12 Dec 1798
Death13 Feb 1874