NameAnn Shearwood 
Birthabt 1813
Deathabt 1847
Nancy Shearwood was mentioned in the 4 September 1824 will of her father, Richard Shearwood. She was to receive $200 in addition to an additional share of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 93.]
Nancy Shearwood was mentioned in the 6 August 1828 will of her brother, Horace Shearwood, proved 15 September 1828. To sister Nancy my bed. Other bequests. The balance of my estate to my brother and sister, but if they die without heirs then estate to my uncle Josiah Minter and his heirs. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 289–290.]
The estate of Josiah Minter, deceased, in account with Was: H. Purkins, administrator, from 1829 to 1831 was ordered recorded 19 December 1831. Includes $6.50 to George Taylor for coffin, $225 to “Mrs C Minter for board & clothing her four children for one year”, $28.75 “paid Jas Howerton agt for Thos St John for this sum recovered by St John vs Boughans & others on acc’t of illegal division of land”, $81.70 “paid A Temple for board & tuition of Miss Ann Shearwood”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 364–367.]
Birth1808, Middlesex County, Virginia
Death26 Aug 1857, Essex County, Virginia
OccupationBricklayer and farmer
Marriageabt 3 May 1837, Essex County, Virginia