NameEdmund Mickelburrough 
Death26 Jun 1736, Middlesex County, Virginia
ResidenceMiddlesex County, Virginia
On 24 October 1696, Paul Thilman gave a gray mare to his godson Edmond Mickleburrough. The record is a fragment: “Fragment with holes. Know All men by These presents that I Paul Thilman Middlesex County have for a valluable Consideration and Granted unto my Loving God Sonn Edmond Mic burrough Sonn of Edmond Mickleburrough Middlesex nty One Gray Mare Branded with the further wth his Increace to him aid Edmond kleburrough his heirs for Ever ness my hand 24th day of October Ano Dom 1696
Paul Thilman
[Witnesses:] Price”. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 315.]
On 1 February 1702/1703, Mary Bryant, Edmond Mickleburrough and David George were bound £50 sterling for Mary Bryant’s administration of the estate of John Bryant. Signed Mary Bryant, Edmond Mickleburrough, David George. Recorded 1 February 1702. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 498.]
On 1 February 1702/1703, Elizabeth Sumers, Edmond Mickleburrough and William Gardiner were bound £100 sterling for Elizabeth Sumer’s administration of the estate of John Sumers decd. Signed Elizabeth Sumers, Edmond Mickleburrough, Wm his M mark Gardiner. Recorded 1 February 1702. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 499.]
On 1 March 1702/3, Thomas St. John, Robert Blackley and Edmond Mickleburrough were bound £100 sterling for Thomas St. John’s administration of the estate of Rice Nicholls decd. Dated 1 March 1702/3. Signed Thomas his —| mark St. John, Robt his O mark Blackley, Edmond Mickleburrough. Recorded 1 May 1702/3. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, pages 513–514.]
On 2 May 1709, John Williams, Anne Williams, William Kidd and Edmund Mickleburrough were bound £200 sterling for John Williams’s and Anne his wife’s administration of the estate of Richd Shurley decd. Signed Jno Williams, William Kidd, Edmd Mickleburrough. Witnesses: Tash:[?] Lewis, WilStanard. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 203–204.]
On 3 April 1710, George Chowning, Thomas Chowning and Edmund Mickleburrough were bound £100 sterling for George Chowning’s guardianship of John Chowning orphan of Robert Chowning. Dated 3 April 1710. Signed George his x mark Chowning, Thomas Chowning, E Mickleburrough. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, page 222.]
On 4 December 1716, Wm Gardner, James Meacham and Edmond Mickleburrough were bound £60 sterling for William Gardner’s guardianship of Elizabeth Alford, orphan of Richard Alford. Signed Wm his W mark Gardner, James Meacham, Ed: Mickleburrough. Recorded 4 December 1716. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 401–402.]
On 7 January 1717 [1717/1718?], Edmund Mickleburrough, Abraham Trigg and Thomas Hacket were bound £200 sterling for Edmund Mickleburrough’s guardianship of Anne Allen, orphan of Richard Allen. Signed Edmd Mickleburrough, Abra his T mark Trigg, Thoma Hackett. Witnesses: R Hirkman[?], W Stanard. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 434–435.]
Pursuant to an order of 1 April 1718, Edmund Mickleburrough, John Alldin & Jno Lewis met on 3 May to apprase a Neagro Girle named Sarah at the house of Richard Allin decd. Valued at 6.15 current money. Recorded 3 June 1718. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, page 440.]
On 2 December 1718, Richard Allen, John Price and Edmund Mickleburrough were bound £200 sterling for Richard Allen’s guardianship of John Allen, orphan of Richard Allen. Dated 2 December 1718. Signed Richd his A mark Allen, John Price, Ed: Mickleburrough. Witnesses: Thos Edwards, WStanard. Recorded 2 December 1718. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 457–458.]
“Edmund Mickleburrough Dyed June 26th (Jane Mickleburrough) 1736.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 191.]
Death10 Aug 1736, Middlesex County, Virginia